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0.9 h registradas (0.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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It is a cool,
actually F2P,
Warhammer 40k,
ORK-Racing experience XD !!!
And the Battle Passes,
are non-time limited.
Right into the game and I can tell:
It is just free fun with completely opional $
What else can you ask for really?

Publicada el 7 de agosto.
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289.5 h registradas (241.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Is the game extremely unbalanced?

Is the game basically bereft of any and all clear matchmaking?

Is the game extremely toxic?

Is the game extremely fun?

However, in contrast to what would seem like a very short learning-curve at first glance,
it is actually extremely long.
And there are only 2 ways to tap the rich juices of fun in this game.

1. Do not take it too seriously and basically never go in with anything but low-tier gear.
2. Actually take the time to become confident in the game by doing hours and hours and hours of PvP.

The negative reviews are to a certain degree unaviodable in this kind of PvP-Game.
Because the fun of Person A inevitably comes at the expense of the suffering of Person B.
And here the amount of potential suffering is truly insane.
However², thus also the amount of fun :D

And this is a good moment to mention 'Dark & Darker', the direct competitor to this game.
I will keep it very short:
It is worse in almost every way, by design of its horrible snail-paste-gameplay-nature alone.
End of story, with the only redeeming quality being a much greater weapon-selection.
Anyone that claims Dark & Darker to be better than Dungeonborne,
is either a forsaken Fanboy or has simply not played enough of either. Point.

The core-problem with Dungeonborne atm. however, is matchmaking.
If a dude with a Gear-Score of almost 50 can be matched with someone who barely scratches 15 ... Ya ... that is a problem.
Because if the guy with Gear-Score 15 gets destroyed, he not only looses his gear and time, he also looses a big chunk of respect for the game.
BECAUSE, in such a case, he has a valid excuse.
And here, such a monumental Gear-Score diference, is more than just a valid excuse.
It is simply an unfair situation.

HOWEVER³ this core-issue simply cannot be fixed and is simply a part of the game.
It is supposed to be unfair.

The guy with high-end gear is supposed to be at a reasonable advantage.
BECAUSE: If he makes one mistake too much, he looses said high-end gear, and believe me, you do not enjoy it when THAT happens.
That is the price you pay when you go in with such gear.
Now, some would argue, that there is a "rich get richter" problem with this, but that is not really the case.
For while yes, those that do PvP and actually consistently win against high-gear players,
will of course swim in money in comparison to a low-gear player that consistently looses,
getting Gold is absolutely doable in this game for everybody at a fair 'time = value'-ratio.
You simply go in as a stealth-class with mid-gear and avoid PvP. => You will swim in Gold too.

So, we must establish that the greatest problem, matchmaking, is simply unfixable.
The way it works right now, there seemingly is a noob matchmaking-queue, but one mid-tier piece of equipment is already enough to pull you out of it and into a potential BiS-lobby.
Any alteration to this system though would inevetably come with even greater downsides:
E.g. you only match people within their exact Gear-Score (unfeasible unless you had billions of players X) but let's assume you we do: It would result in people purpusefully tickling out the best of the best of the best out of a comercial Gear-Score limit and there would be almost no Gear-Score-based variety in the lobbies, which would then make victories dull and meaningless because of limited variety. If you want a game like this, you should go and play Chivalry or Mordhau, there the entire game is designed around purely equal matches, therefore being a completely different game, and the joy comes from 100% skill.
But here in Dungeonborne there is the element of Gear-Score and while a truly skilled player WILL still win regardless of it, if his opponent doesn't really know what he's doing, it is a factor that simply must not be underestimated by nature of its existance.

And let me touch on balance now for a final word,
you see, there is a reason why there is only a 3v3-mode yet no direct duel-mode in this game.
That reason is simple:
The rogue is not supposed to beat the warrior in a duel, neither is the priest.
These are characters that serve different roles.
The priest is a healer, the job of which in Dungeonborne it is to make DPS-Builds basically immortal and therefore absolute meta, but NOT to be a duelant on-par with a Death-Knight.
Of course, that results in huge disparities in pick-rate, you'd think.
But priest is in fact the only character that is meant for groups exclusively and even he CAN be a powerful duelant IF he has the needed gear (basically impossible to get at a reasonable price for normal matches though [Hope they will insert changes somewhere there]).
Every other class can do just fine alone:
E.g. the roge simply stays out of ppls ways and has like a 1000 tools to make a get-a-way.
The casters are absolutely able to take on warriors but it depends less on skill, and more on strategy for them.
And the warriors, well they are in fact basically unable to even catch a class like the rogue.
If the rogue has half a brain, he WILL be able to escape :D
Which is why a mage with his slightly higher speed and significantly greater ranged-damage is in fact a much greater threat to a rogue, UNLESS he manages to backstab them.
And in my oppinion, that is all good gameplay just the way it is supposed to be.
I keep repeting myself but if you want completely even gameplay, this is simply not the kind of game for it, that would be Mordhau.
But this is the gear-based dungeon-crawler-genre

It is toxic by nature.
It is unbalanced by nature.
Yet extremely fun by nature :D

And for anyone that would bring up Hunt:Showdown as a counter-example:
Yeah, maybe like ... 4 years ago. Now, loot is worthless there and anyone with half a brain can afford to go in with a Nitro every match.
If that is what you want for this game, I can respect it, but I'd rather play the something like the afformentioned Mordhau then and would recommend that to you too.
Publicada el 21 de julio. Última edición: 25 de agosto.
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101.4 h registradas (0.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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You know what,
I can't stand it anymore.
Everything is SOOOO SLOOW.
But the worst: The PvP.
Because it happens on a Snails-Paste too.
The PvE is acceptable but the PvP?
Utterly and compeltely unfun if you wish for something skill-based.
Because this exact slowness and unresponsiveness removes
any need for skill. The only things that matter is positioning and
strategy. But that is infuriating. Say I am fighting a Falchion-User
with the Longsword, he spams attack, I try to parry-and block,
and the animation is so slow that he can actually simply run away
at snail-paste WHILE I pursue at an even slower snail-paste ...
Absolutely idiotic and more on blocking later ...
But let's just say, there is a good reason why Dungeonborne has
a dedicated PvP-Mode and Dark&Darker does not,
because they clearly do not want to offer a clear look on how
much it actually sucks ...
The animations alone are already a cause for eye-cancer.
When I see the running animation of other characters,
I literally want to jump into the screen myself and strangle them,
because I know I'd be faster XD
And now let's have a word on the blocking ... or the spell casting ...
They are just so poorly implemented.
E.g. The curses of the Warlock,
it almost appears completely random when they land or not!
Exactly the same with blocking.
It is effectively random!!! And as a former Chivalry/Mordhau-Pro,
that manifests into literal actual pain for me.

And as a final treat:
There are a crap-load of enemies that FURTHER slow you down XD
It is ridiculous really given how slow you are to begin with ...
Man, even the PARRY-Animations, assuming you ever do that
because the aformentioned blocking is trash,
come so SLOW that being further slowed down brings it down
to a level of absolute ridiculousness.

Dungeonborne still got a lot of things wrong,
but it is with absolutely not a single doubt, the better product.
It's problems are currently primarily centered around matchmaking and balancing.
Those are relatively easy to fix but defenately childs-play,
in comparison to the fundamental core-issue of the disgusting snail-paste
you are cursed with here in Dungeonborne.
Publicada el 9 de junio. Última edición: 21 de agosto.
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0.7 h registradas
At first I thought that the weapons being unreliable is a bug ...
But no ...
It is merely true to the original ...
Publicada el 3 de diciembre de 2023. Última edición: 3 de diciembre de 2023.
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1 persona ha encontrado divertida esta reseña
20.9 h registradas (5.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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OLD Review:

For now, I am leaving this review as proof that I am a day 1 player.
... Because I really WANT this game to succeed, and I am willing to overlook the NFT-stuff for now, I give a thumbs up for now, but I REALLY hope I can keep it that way.

NEW Review after doing basically everything you can do in the current Phantom Galaxies:

My hopes are shattered.
I have been a gamer for about 20 years now and this might very well be the overall
WORST game I have EVER suffered. The only reason I completed it is probably some kind of insanity inherent to my very being ...

To give you some detail:
This game has only ONE saving-grace ... and that is the fact it is free-to-play.
Even still ... I feel like I should have been paid to force myself through it.

It is just so ... INCREDIBLY bad.
I could describe the gameplay but all that needs to be said about it is:
Neither the PvP, nor ANYTHING ...

... Does the future hold any hope for it?
Possible ... but atm this future would be SO far ahead ...
That I simply cannot justify NOT giving this game a bad review ...

And ofc it also has NFTs ... I am not necessarily against them as where others see only scam,
I actually try to see the potential ... BUUUT playing on Steam (understandably) prevents you from ever getting them in-game, while still sharing a world with others that do.
So that alone would already force a bad review here.
Because the cherry-on-top is that they provide in-game advantages.
Not hard-core P2W as it is just economic bonuses it seems, but still very much P2W ...

... I somehow feared that it would be bad, but this ...
This is beyond even my most pessimistic thoughts ...

1/10 Horrible, just Horrible.
Publicada el 15 de noviembre de 2023. Última edición: 17 de noviembre de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
17.5 h registradas (17.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
First online-game I ever played ...
Back when I was a sweet child ...
The very concept of actually fighting another human via Internet was completely new to me back then.
Until then I only ever got to play games where the only form of Multiplayer was a direct connection.
Or LAN at best ...

I remember my first day playing Teeworlds like it was just a week ago ...
And for that, I want to thank the Teeworlds Team :)
Publicada el 12 de noviembre de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
150.1 h registradas (0.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
While the connectivity-issues are still ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!
And at the moment I simply CAN NOT RECOMMEND LotF if PvP is what you want,
LotF IS still a masterpiece, in everything except for that.

And the fact that this studio is SO incredibly active when it comes to updates and actually reacting to feedback, ... is mind blowing.
(Assuming it is really him) Saul PERSONALLY responded to my YT Bug Report about the Red Reaper and the effort to answer to my humble review is also most certainly a soothing balm on any frustration that my Invasion-Attempts caused me.

Maybe I am too easy to impress but I have NEVER seen a studio engage with their community that much and that directly ever before.
(And I have been a vocal gamer of many games for a LOOONG time).

So even if they only ever fix the connectivity-issues in the far future ...
For now my faith in Hexworks has been restored from the brink!

And seriously, if a good PvE-Experience is what you desire, look no further.
The Coop also works ... ... ... acceptable.

... Just not the PvP ... Stay the hell away from that until they get connectivity fixed ...
Publicada el 13 de octubre de 2023. Última edición: 3 de noviembre de 2023.
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Un desarrollador ha respondido el 1 NOV 2023 a las 4:43 a. m. (ver respuesta)
Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
357.7 h registradas (128.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Works as advertised.
Publicada el 9 de octubre de 2023. Última edición: 5 de enero.
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66.3 h registradas (1.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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When it comes to the gameplay itself,
Warhaven has one issue above all else:

The current implementation of the Immortals.

They should not simply be available for everyone once per match.
More often than not, it results in a chain-reaction.
On person triggers one, another does too, and so on ...
And even worse than that, it makes them feel cheap ... a consumable, nothing more.

It should be implemented differently,
my suggestion:
The ability to transform into an Immortal should be granted by contributing to the match.
Not necessairly just by making kills, that would perhaps create a snowball-effect.
But instead just by being in combat itself.
If impemented correctly, they could even be used as a mild form of underdog-support system.
E.g. My team is loosing bad, as soon as the final phase of the battle commences, everybody gets a fair boost to their Immortal-meter.

That is ofc just an idea,
yet the way they are done right now just feels wrong.
Publicada el 21 de septiembre de 2023. Última edición: 19 de noviembre de 2023.
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Un desarrollador ha respondido el 23 SEP 2023 a las 7:56 p. m. (ver respuesta)
A 1 persona le pareció útil esta reseña
454.1 h registradas (165.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
The story:
It is OK. It is purposefully kept minimalistic and some people like to interpret that as
"in-universe" and "deep". It is not, it is just minimalistic. But the story is ok nevertheless.
You could describe it as a reverse "Ocean wide, Inch deep".
Yes, that actually describes it very well. The story of Armored Core VI is:
An Ocean deep but an Inch wide.

The PvE:
It is very good. The Boss-Battles are few and in-between but they are good, the PvE also feels good, makes you feel like a 1-Man army and is still very challenging in the beginning and can stay challenging up to the end if you want to S-Rank everything.

The PvP:
Oh boy ... oh boy ... Well, at first glance: It is great, they also made the lobbies much more enjoyable. You can 100% the game without ever touching it though, if that is what you care about. Thing is: It is FromSoftware PvP and that means one thing: The LAG is BAD which lies at the root of everything. E.g. You CLEARLY dodged that Energy-Cannon but you take full damage nevertheless. That is the royal flaw of ANY and ALL FromSoftware multiplayer titels and this will most likely not change for a VERY long time. And keep in mind that here in Armored Core VI, it is actually the BEST multiplayer experience FS has delieverd so far YET it is still plagued by this royal flaw which will prevent it from ever becomming truly e-sport-worthy.
ALSO: It suffers from a VERY clear Rock-Paper-Sicorss balancing-issue. This becomes less and less important as you reach the higher leagues of skill (and I think I have a right to say this after having made it to the top 100 of the global leaderboard) BUT EVEN at the pinnacle of skill, it is still very much existent. And for the vast majority of non-Tryhards, you WILL loose or win most battles in the garage and not on the field ... and I percieve that as a big flaw to be honest.

If you are looking for an action-packed Mecha-Adventure with a serious undertone and a still very much GOOD multiplayer:
Look no further.
Publicada el 10 de septiembre de 2023. Última edición: 7 de enero.
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