Bret Halford
Austin, Texas, United States
Professional Snake Oil Salesman
5 1 4 1 7 3

Online just nu
Zero 10 apr, 2018 @ 19:05 
i cant feel my left leg
Zero 10 apr, 2018 @ 19:05 
Certified Gamer Moment 6 feb, 2017 @ 20:23 
Blood is a bodily fluid in animals that
Delivers necessary substances such as
Nutrients and oxygen to the cells and
Transports metabolic waste products
Away from those same cells.
Broke 16 okt, 2015 @ 23:00 
your welcome man your a good friend
Bret Halford 16 okt, 2015 @ 19:10 
Shoutout to Tony, you actually got me interested in Hotline Miami when everyone put on a mask on Toyroom, what 2 years ago? Found my favorite game because of you