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기록상 581.2시간 (평가 당시 495.0시간)
Civilization 6 is a really amazing game but it is currently unplayable due to the extensive number of crashes. It has been very unstable since Gathering Storm. I took several months off (after being very upset with it's state) and came back to it again last week.

I usually play with mods (community mods are awesome) but because of constant crashes I switched back to mod-free vanilla state. Large map with 12 civilizations and 12 state cities allowed ~100 turns before it all goes to s**t. Game crashes every 3-4 turns. Game is quite demanding but my PC is not the worst out there.
My spec:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900KF CPU @ 3.60GHz
32.0 GB Ram

There are tons of reddit, steam and civfanatics forum threads and comments about stability. Seems like 2K Games doesn't care anymore. That's a shame. It used be really amazing game.

If you haven't bought it yet. Don't! (unless you don't mind spending as much time in the menu as you will in the game itself), Just wait for Civ VII. Hopefully 2K will hire some who can help them with memory management issues.


2022년 8월 2일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 4.6시간 (평가 당시 4.5시간)
Bit late review but since I can not sleep here it goes.
Limbo is AMAZING. I mean it. It is short puzzle adventure with awesome graphics and making you crave for more. If you reading this review and you played the game you know it’s true. If you haven’t stop reading, get the game, plug in your pad and give it a go. You will be pleased.
2015년 12월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1,107.5시간 (평가 당시 496.3시간)
It's been years and years of playing CIV V and still by far it is the best strategy Sid Meier's done. ...yes, including all post CIV 5 games they have released. If for some reason you still don't have it go and get it now. You will not regret it.

Civilization V is filled with many interesting concepts and features. It will take you some time to explore all of it. If you have played previous versions of CIV you should know that a lot has changed... for better. My favourite favourite update by far is one unit per tile. No more infinite stacks, no more long lists. All is nice and clear.

I am giving CIV some additional points for the interface. Not many games pay attention to UI design. CIV by far is in the top 3, or perhaps 2 out of all the games I have been playing for last couple of years.

And there is more... doctrines, culture, tourism, religion, technologies, great animations.

The biggest downside to the game is... multiplayer experience. If you want to play it online, get yourself pack of nachos, movie to watch and you should be fine.

Another weak point is end of the game. It kind of lacks that “WOW” factor. To put it simple it is not rewarding enough. After playing 30 hours, conquering the world or reaching out to stars… well I just wish there is more to it than game over screen with some statistics. But hey… we do have imagination right? We can imagine those nice fireworks and fanfares.

And then again… considering everything this game has to offer I give it 9/10 on the IndieForger scale.
2015년 12월 17일에 게시되었습니다. 2015년 12월 17일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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아직 아무도 이 평가가 유용하다고 하지 않음
기록상 48.1시간 (평가 당시 3.4시간)
Not much to say apart of FTL IS AWESOME and damn addictive. It over delivers for the price. If you haven't played it yet take your time to go through tutorial. It doesn't take too much time and is very helpful as you will learn everything that is needed to have fun without being surprised by unexpected.
Graphics are dead simple so game is not for people who are looking for some crazy 3d and special effects. On the other hand if you don't mind indie graphics you will LOVE GAMEPLAY.
My only regret is I bought it too late. :) Have fun!
2015년 5월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1.2시간
I would love to write positive but that is not going to happened in this case.
I am going to be honest about my feelings…

Please give me my money back!

Game is not too bad if you buy it during promotion but certainly it is not worth regular price. It seems unfinished and really lacks of good gameplay. Perhaps it is not my style but to be honest it doesn't really come as advertised. It kind of seems rushed unfinished product. If it would be an indie developer I would give it 8/10 playing it 1st time. However advertising and all the hype around the game made me expect something extraordinary and what I got is a game I have played one time to add it to "uninstalled" collection.

There are some reasons you might wanna buy it:
- you have too much money and you desperately wanna spend some
- you want to support developer (and publisher)
- you collecting games
- you like overpriced, under delivered RTS
- you are drunk and you want to try something you haven't tried before

The most annoying thing is that there is a lot of fake positive reviews... which actually made me write an honest one. The truth is game doesn't really live up to the hype! If for some reason you decide to play it I hope you enjoyed it.

On the other hand, if my review sounds like a raging of an angry troll, totally ignore it and go get the game, try it and ping me at @indieforger saying how bad my review is.
2015년 5월 12일에 게시되었습니다. 2015년 12월 17일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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