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張貼於:2014 年 3 月 5 日 上午 4:40

The premises of Plague Inc are enjoyable - you're a pathogen with a simple wish, the eradication of all humanity. You start by infecting a patient zero on a country of your choosing, then get DNA points by several ways to upgrade your illness- tranmission by water, resistance against cold, symptoms like sneezing in order to increaser infectivity, etc.
It is certainly fun to watch humanity being more and more infected with your plague, until (in most cases) you decide to evolve it in a deadly strain.

However, there are several problems ruining the fun. If winning grants you new plagues and genes to enhance them (like increasing infectivity in arid areas), half of the plagues are too similar and thus are played accordingly : you wait until everyone is infecte, then you fuse the "bomb" to kill'em all.
Virus is funnier because it mutates like crazy and humanity will be likely to develop a cure before everyone's infected. The worm, able of thought control (like going to another country of your choice, wich is a tad bit broken) is quite fun too, the nano-virus and the bioweapon both play with humanity rushing to develop a cure.

As is stands now, there are not enough variety, strategies are often the same, plus a lack of interactivity. You wait more than anything in this game, the random events do not make this much more lively. Sure, it's only alpha, and it's to be hoped that the multiplayer will be solid, and the scenarios interesting enough.
Because, quite frankly and currently, no, 14€ is not worth it. At all. Especially not when you know that Pandemic II had the same global idea (and was a free web-browser game) and the original game costed 0,99€.

I don't particularly feel entitled as to say what price is right. But one day, I'd love to see a detailed and honest document, summing up the costs a of a mobile to PC port. Plague Inc was hugely acclaimed and sold millions upons millions of copies on mobiles- if the developer wants to extend his market on PC, why being so greedy ?
Even with all the updates promised, I'm not sure that such a price will be justified. I have my doubts about the "hyper-realistic" aspect of the simulation and watching graphs is neither my idea of fun or depth.

Not to say that the game is horrible, but overpriced. If you are interested, I'd advise the following things : buy it on a mobile or Ios if you possess one, or wait for the final version and a sale to acquire it on Steam.
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