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1.7 Hours played
Look, you're not here because you wanted plot. You're here because you wanted to become a fish. So strap on your grouper suit, make ready the eye-lasers that all fish obviously have, and rustle up a gang of fellow finned creatures, such as hermit crabs, jellyfish, and American battleships. Then send your digital possee out across a post-apocalyptic piscine paradise, picking fights with aquatic gangs and taking their territory as your army roster grows from sardines to submarines.

This is easily one of the most ridiculous things I've played, but somehow it works. If you liked games like Tokyo Jungle, or you want to try out a sandbox version of Zone of the Enders in which you are a lobster that emits Maccross missile storms, this is not a bad way to spend a couple hours. The controls are jank at first, but you'll adapt quickly. The soundtrack is pure background noise. Front and foremost is the game's central experience: you get to be a magical laser fish. Whether that's to your taste or not will determine whether you like Ace of Seafood.
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『 』 1 Jul, 2021 @ 4:28pm 

dredpiratebunny 27 Mar, 2015 @ 6:46am 
you're pretty much the best human being ever. thanks, man!