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Geplaatst: 17 jul 2019 om 7:54
Gewijzigd: 4 jan 2020 om 3:41

This game would have a thumb up by me, if the AI would work properly. But this AI is somehow like a big competition about who gets the Darwin Award first. The priority system doesn't work, people literally 30 feet away from a storage dont find food and starve, because they are more busy with praying to their gods, wandering around without any reason or doing work, they didn't get the priority to do. The most stupid thing I've noticed was, when I tried to build a second village, to further my hunting grounds and they built everything - EVERYTHING, except the 3 things I gave the highest priority. They didn't built the houses, the storage and the campfire, which resulted in them starving, because the distance to the starting village was too big. Also the behaviour, if a single wolf comes into town. I have a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ full storage of spears, bows and so on and what do they do? They don't come to helpe the attacked villager! No, they come one by one and they fight with their bare fists. For what did I produce weapons? Also...I command them to hunt some deers and a bison. They have clothes, they have spears, they have bows, they have everything they need - and they fight either with bare fists or their knives (which are the worst option for a fight).

Sorry to say it that way, but this game is broken by it's AI and the speed those people are moving and doing things they shouldn't do. Also the growth of population is too slow in late game. If I have 80 free spaces for new villagers and I get just 1-3 per year + every year 1 raid by bandits (which costs you alot villagers, because if they have swords, bows and shields - they again fight with their fists or try to attack archers with swords one by one and get shot by a bunch and die) which costs me between 10 and 20 villagers per raid, then it just sucks. You have no opportunity to defend yourself or recover from attacks. It's just unbalanced with a broken AI. Fix it and the thumg goes up. Don't fix it and the thumb stays down. Simple as that. This game has alot of potential and is really fun beside this problem I described. Would be nice, if it would work properly.

: So habe nun einiges an Zeit verstreichen lassen, ein paar Updates abgewartet und nochmal reingeschaut. Selbe Probleme. Selbst nach dem so toll angekündigten Patch, um die KI ein wenig "schlauer" zu machen, sehe ich wirklich keine Verbesserung. Meine neue Siedlung hatte alles, was es braucht, um zu funktionieren, aber die Menschen sind wie immer zu doof sie zu benutzen. Desweiteren sind durch die hinzugekommenen neuen Raubtiere gerade die Anfangsphasen umso unerträglicher geworden, weil das Bevölkerungswachstum trotz etlicher Prestigepunkte lächerlich gering ist, keine manuelle Handhabung dazu liefert und natürlich die neuen Raubtiere (darunter Hyänen, die gerne in großer Zahl auf einmal auftreten) dir schnell mal deine heißgeliebten ersten 15 Einwohner in Null Komma Nix, trotz voller Bewaffnung (Problem bereits früher schon erwähnt), auf lächerliche 4 Mann herunterdezimiert werden und dann pro Jahr bloß mal so 2 oder 3 vorbeischauen...
Ernsthaft, Madruga Games. Das war das letzte Spiel von euch, wofür ich Geld ausgegeben habe. Ich weiß noch immer ♥♥♥♥♥, ob es bloß Lieblosigkeit gegenüber euren Produkten und Kunden ist oder einfach nur Stümperei, aber dieses Spiel bietet so viel Potential, was einfach so unerträglich verschenkt wird. Und die Patches die kommen, sind völlig unnötiger Müll, statt mal die Spielmechanik auf Fordermann zu bringen...
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