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总时数 7.2 小时 (评测时 7.2 小时)
Took a little over 7hr to 100% Steam with very little issues;

Overall 8/10 Silly Gameplay like Goat Sim, 6/10 actual gameplay still some bugs, specific Golden Acorns have extremely specific solutions so if you "get creative" you won't get it. Boss theme is an absolute banger though.

80% recommend 20% don't, wait for a sale.
发布于 8 月 30 日。
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总时数 1.2 小时
First, it's $2. Expectations were and should be very low, and did not get higher. However, it's great!

Charmingly simple, first level takes all of 5 seconds. Little drop of dopamine, ya did good.
Second level, you go "Oh, thats what's going on here, that's cute." might take a little longer to get a grip, but still fun.
Third level, you realize why this game is tagged as "Difficult". I hope you learned well from the first two.
Fourth level probably took most of my game time, made me want to pull out my spine and nerve endings with every narrow mistake, and generally hated existing. 10/10 would recommend.
发布于 7 月 24 日。
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总时数 67.5 小时
Very simple yet equally very enjoyable roguelike; lots of characters to unlock and even the achievements didn't feel too "intern"-y (put in because they have to hit a quota or something), I think I got most just by playing normally.

You have 3 stats: Strength (Red/Meat), Dexterity (Green/FruitVeg), and Intelligence (Blue/Candy). I definitely turned my brain off and just matched the colors and had a quality run, maybe slightly slower than optimal but still fun, whereas tryharding achievements had me constantly referencing the deeper stats (Lucky Hits, balancing Alignments for certain paths, Equipment Sets, Summon Bonuses) to zoom through every floor.

Each Class has their own little quirks, from repeating attacks to gaining armor or making shops cheaper, and have their own base stats to nudge you in the right direction for builds. Not that it's required, you can definitely abandon Strength (except carry capacity) in a Barbarian and use magic & magic weapons after scarfing loads of candy to boost that stat instead.


Customizable runs & builds, can even reset your innate Run Modifiers tree as needed (helpful for specific achievement hunting).

Curses VS Rewards system to make the runs harder, running max difficulty made me hate playing in the best way possible as I was fighting for my life to clear the first floor, but it only felt more rewarding at the end.

I definitely leaned towards the Dexterity classes to favor long range, but even when I played Bruisers like Paladin/Knight/Berserker the "melee" and strength based weapons still allowed my playstyle. My favorites usually had some form of insane attack speed with projectiles that each did an unreal amount of debuffs.

Finally clicking an overpowered build into place and demolishing however many floors you have left is so satisfying compared to the monotony of the first floor.

Largest Complaints (very minor and opinionated):

Personally I don't care for the Magic side, I understand positive mana giving a buff to offset the "mana burn", and I definitely enjoyed plenty of Magic/int-based runs, just not for me. However this does include the Infusion that makes normal weapons require mana (and by extension get the buff/debuff) bc I *love* the Permanent Infusions skill.

The worst achievement in my eyes was using the Doppleganger some 20 times, but that was just because it was my last one and I got bored of that class.
发布于 7 月 11 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 31.1 小时
Evoland 1: Cute, unique showcase of time travel and different game styles. Easy to learn, easy to initially beat, but a looonngggg grind to finish completely. But at least it's only exploration, FF & Zelda combat, and a card game.

Evoland 2: Feels way too Meta for its own good. After the first 20 references I was getting tired, and they didn't stop. Contrary to 1, this has a new combat style every 10 minutes, and not in a good way:
- Zelda open world combat? Okay sure cool, even the Future is that instead now.
- Turn Based Strategy War Campaign? Actually enjoyable, a good challenge
- Guitar Hero boss fight? No. Especially not 4 more times for one collectible -.-
- Street Fighter boss fight? Would be fine if the controls made sense. Have fun figuring it out because this BOSS is the only time you use it :)
- Double Dragon fight area + repeatable arena? Sure, but NO CONTROL REFERENCE??? If you miss the chat pop-up for learning a combo have fun figuring it out.
Also included:
ice-climbers style platformer + boss
Old school Donkey Kong
Pong/Snake/PacMan + Final Fantasy Timed-TurnBased in ONE DUNGEON
Mega-man Platformers (including instant death spikes/lava!)
Top-down Bullet hell shooters
Most likely 20 more I forgot because they were only used once
And yet another card game!!

Also for the roughly 30-80% progress through the game there are only 2 spots in the whole map to change time so have fun running back and forth trying to figure out not only WHERE to go, but also WHEN out of Past/Present/Future.

I'll be honest and say I followed a 100% Guide the whole way because I knew if I missed anything I would be so annoyed at the amount of time it would have taken to track down again (I was right).
Prime example: if you do everything perfect for an hour ish of the beginning, you can get the BEST WEAPON IN THE GAME. Just like that. Collect 4 slightly-hidden Ore, usually just out of your way, and you go from (metaphor) 2 damage rusty sword to 100 damage Legendary weapon.
(And normal enemies will still take 5 hits later)

In addition, very little hints or info. I got all the way to the final plot bossfight before realizing I still had to "level up" 2/3 of the party because how to do so was only called out by one person I talked to hours and hours ago while trying to figure out how to finish what I was doing at that time.
发布于 5 月 7 日。
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总时数 32.7 小时 (评测时 16.0 小时)
TLDR: $20 too much for very little that is actually interesting, get Minecraft if you want a grind or Stardew if you want working console controls and casual gameplay.

First, this game is fun. It's cute, looks easy and quick, and that's why I bought it. I tried initially, didn't mesh, and left it. No bif deal, it happens.

Recently however, I'm working on 100%ing more games and this seemed like a good choice. Let me explain why I'm regretting the past 20ish hours on this 100%-journey save.
Before Even Starting the Game:
Intending both to 100% and play on Steam deck, I looked into mods/basic QoL/controller support.

I did this because in my initial research, a main complaint was just how long things took to craft. But I'll touch on this later.

While I found mods, it seems like the community is pretty dead, there are basic QoLs that are nice but overall nowhere near Terraria/Stardew/Minecraft/TBoIsaac etc mods/support. (the highest popularity ever mod will apparently softlock console controls), and speaking of:

Controls: the game does *say* it has Controller/Deck support, and at a very basic level it does, but imagine trying to play Minecraft with insane lag. Placing blocks (fences or gates in this) is infuriating so much so I swapped to KBM controls, rebound the deck, put down some fences, and swapped back. I will definitely be changing the "works on steam deck" review.

The controls themselves are extremely simple (only 10ish keybinds including movement) but that doesnt help when a simple block-target doesnt work most of the time.
Straightforward, as shown in the trailers etc. What it does NOT show you, is the EXPONENTIAL increase in price anytime you build something. Drones, which are the lifeblood of end game progress with how much is happening, feel like they double in price every new creation.

And you'd think a small positive for the buildings is that if you destroy one to move it, you get full resources back. Except the recipe cost does not go back down, so overall you pay a resource tax to move anything.

Going back to crafting: this game is 3 main parts.
Gathering Resources from the trees/ore/creatures that pop up everywhere you don't want them to
Waiting on resources to process to craft an upgrade / sell for money
Buy a new plot of land and do a brief exploration [rinse & repeat process].

Thats it. Even with advanced tools and a swarm of drones I still found myself in a mind-numbing war just clearing land to make it look semi-decent before the next tree popped up, or waiting on things to process. What "exploring" there was became very gated on Processing Time, usually missing one resource while I had 1000x more of everything else I *didn't* need.
Specific Complaints/Issues:
Artifacts, rare shovel drops used to complete the Museum, are unrealistically rare. In the wiki it calls out using the Max Level Shovel (more rare drops), a Luck Potion, etc etc, so why do recipes require 10 of one Artifact??

Drones, similar to Factorio where they can "do everything for you!" Except they can't. Unless you have 50 you wont really notice a difference, and the Quest Reward Skills are infinitely more useful, even if they do require some luck to purchase the right island with that quest.

I might think of more to add later but so far I'm not looking forward to the next 50ish% to finish Perfection. 4/10
发布于 5 月 7 日。
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总时数 1.0 小时
Amount of puzzles? 20.
Size of puzzles? Small.
Type of puzzles? Mazes.
10/10 perfectly meets expectations
发布于 3 月 20 日。
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总时数 1.3 小时
Interesting take on the VampSurvivors/20Min genre, the visibility aspect keeps things interesting. I have only played starting Pistol, then Minigun, but both for decently long runs (loss 2x on pistol after 2 bosses, won w/ minigun):

Pistol was very standard, lightning made for an interesting build that didn't seem to click but still looked cool. Fire also worked, I blame getting used to game mechanics.

Minigun was a blast, went for "every X shots", firerate, and Visibility+stun so nothing moved and I was shooting like a laser with an infinite flamethrower. Bosses were stunlocked for minutes while my Death By 1000 Cuts worked as intended.

Category Ratings:

Gameplay: 4/5, great for a free, barely released game but definitely needs more content. Standard top-down survival bullet hell, changing between Spotlight and Circle Vision is very interesting. Every gun unlock is the same 5k price which after 2ish bosses you can get at least 1 unlock, and after a success I could buy 3. Nothing else to unlock though.

Visual: 4/5, the main black/white makes for a non-distracting screen overall, with colored projectiles being easily visible. However there were plenty of times I lost sight of my guy as he was just one white blob in a screen of white flashes. Very minor complaint, still great. The abilities and effects splash color in a very satisfying way.

Audio: n/a/5, muted fairly quickly. No judgement for that reason.

Price: It's free. Check it out.

Playtime: 80min for 3 runs is good enough for me, can't wait to see more updates.
发布于 2023 年 7 月 29 日。
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总时数 65.4 小时 (评测时 41.2 小时)
This will be a rant, I'll try to TLDR it and give some generalizations first. I will 100% miss things but I will include what sticks out the most to me this second.

OVERALL: 9/10, well worth $60 even if you don't like HP, just as a fantasy open-world RPG. I have enjoyed every one of the 20, then 30, now 40 hours spent in this game and I mainly went side-questing and exploring instead of story.

As an aside I play on "Hard" difficulty and am on my first run as a Slytherin.

CATEGORIES: Steam Deck experience, PC Experience (combat, bugs, visuals, favorites, complaints)

Steam Deck Experience: Probably about 5 of my hours so far, controls were very easy to adapt to from PC, ran extremely smoothly and had no Deck-specific complaints. Especially with this being a single player non-internet game I can easily imagine this being my go-to Steam Deck game.


PC Experience:
Combat: Very early in the tutorial you are shown how to fight, block, and do basic attacks. Easy to learn, and a nice introduction. As you progress and learn more spells, blue bar special moves (not specified for spoiler reasons), shielding/cursing, and environment interactions, combat goes from "spam my favorite chain" to "pay attention, play to your strengths, and exploit weaknesses". Personally, I struggled against specific bosses and Battle Arenas which only increased my enjoyment compared to the small encounters I quickly overcame. Fights that took me two or three tries, pouring out my inventory to turn the tide had me ecstatic to earn a victory.
I am also usually extremely bad at stealth options in games but this works exceptionally well. I can clear entire camps without being detected or at least make a hard fight more in my favor by taking some out beforehand. Even "Infamous Foes" could go down with no effort with a well-executed assassination.

- Easy to learn, hard to master. Play "Story" difficulty if you really don't like it, I love it.
- You fight how you want. I intended on not using Plants or Potions but then discovered how useful they are. How your spells interact are up to your casting order.
- Dark Arts are completely your choice, and while they are exceptionally powerful the recharge time makes up for it.
- Enemies scale. I massively over leveled doing side quests where at Level 30 (out of 40) I was doing Level 12 Main Quests. Enemies were still either 20ish for easy or 34ish for more difficult encounters. Amazing.

- Ran into some issues with Advanced Dodge Roll when bosses would attack where I would get hit anyway. Annoying but a learning moment.
- Hard is hard. Less reaction time, more aggressive spells, hits hurt more. I'm often chugging Health Potions since most hits take >2/3 of your HP. Again, other difficulties are available.

[Again, this is all I can think of at the moment. Play for yourself]
Bugs: Pros:
- Personally experienced 0 crashes, and all bugs have been visual
- Places I think I've been softlocked the game teleports you to last safe ground so no reload or reset required

- You'd have to visit others reviews, personally no issues.


I did upgrade my PC purely to place this game, but wow are the visuals worth it. I was so happy Graphics defaulted to Ultra. The lighting is fabulous, moving inside-outside or vice versa transitions very smoothly.

- Spell effects, character details, environment effects, everything is gorgeous
- Smooth transitions
- Seasonal changes are especially beautiful (snow, autumnal colors, etc)

- Hardware intensive
- Seriously don't blow up your PC


Favorites: I mentioned I spent most of my time side-questing. That means I was so content just exploring, flying around, gathering materials, doing puzzles, etc etc I didn't mind not doing the main plot. One of my favorite parts was when I fought a bandit camp higher level than what I should've been near and was able to beat it with some careful planning and executions.

The "base of operations" in this game is exceptionally well done in my opinion. The resources are easy to gather for the ones in the world, and while initially expensive to make local harvesters the rewards easily pay it off in the future. "Rescuing", taming, and farming beasts is also exceptionally rewarding.

Enemy Encyclopedia is especially helpful detailing often uncommon ways to beat enemies, or how to weaken them for more damage.

Open Exploration, the world is very large and fast travel is easy. Broom flight is fairly early on and the other mounts later but they all have their perks. Also there's so many different brooms to choose from.

Character Customization / Equipment: There are SO MANY options to discover for outfit parts, and the "equip for stats, vanity for looks" method is perfect. If we just go off equipment, my character looks absolutely goofy all the time, but instead I was a full-plate Knight in a green Snake scarf running around fighting bad guys. Equip for stats, pick your vanity, sell the rest, rinse and repeat.

"Morality": Obviously outside of Dark Arts or Not usage, most of the time on Quest turn-in there are 3 options:
1. "I did X thing, have a nice day" (Positive)
2. "X was really tough, can I get a reward?" (Positive still, but more money)
3. "X is mine now." (Negative, STILL GET NORMAL REWARD)
It was very entertaining the first time I refused to tell someone how to solve something they found and told me about, then later heard them complain I was insufferable. Great NPC interaction with no real consequence.
Or choosing NOT to learn the Unforgiveables really has no downside outside of your preference.


Complaints: Again, specific things I can think of right now.
- Gear slots are so small, even with expansion over time it is a little annoying to be mid-quest and see "gear slots are full"
- Common repeating voice lines. "Seems like every road leads to Hogsmeade" "You cannot IMAGINE how inconvenient travel was before I invented Floo Powder!"
- You have to minigame pick every lock even as you upgrade the skill for higher ones. Just let me auto-unlock the lesser ones if I'm at a high level already.


So yeah that is my review currently. Thanks for reading, I tried to organize it. This is definitely my longest review ever but with how long people hoped this game was good and how excited I am to play it, it is well deserved.

Make your own opinions and drink water :)
发布于 2023 年 2 月 19 日。
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总时数 72.8 小时
Neat "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" vibe survival game, pets are cute, spiders can be terrifying, mosquitos are annoying.
Pros: Fun to adventure, build, and progress, especially w/ other people.
Cons: If you throw an item... good luck finding it. Ever.

Huge update recently I think to full version which is cool too.
Definitely worth a try :)
发布于 2022 年 11 月 27 日。
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总时数 31.3 小时 (评测时 27.4 小时)
About as close to playing an episode of the show as you could get, simple turn-based combat with easy-to-learn quicktime for attacking, blocking, and little minigames for the special abilities. 4 Different classes, 4 different abilities per class upgrade how you want, and lots of weapon/armor/costume customization.

Your farting is "magic". Become the Dragonborn.

9/10 because one achievement was broken on my 100% run but still amazing game for the other 2 "fun" playthroughs I did.
发布于 2022 年 10 月 12 日。
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