
Muppet 最近的評論

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4 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 264.6 小時 (評論時已進行 9.4 小時)
The only real survival game I've played.

The long dark is a really phenomenal survival game.
Unlike other games of the genre you actually struggle to survive.

At one point I had survived for about two weeks and things were going pretty well. I had lots of food, I had plenty of water, good clothes and a nice warm hut to live in. I noticed I was running out of firewood tough, so I went outside and had a look at the weather. It looked good enough and I had a couple of (ingame) hours left before dark. After getting myself some firewood, I started to head back and out of nowhere a snowstorm showed up.

I got lost on my way back to my hut and the sun was setting. I wondered around for a while trying to find something familiar but I couldn't see more than a couple of meters in front of me. I realized the longer I stayed out in the freezing wind the less time I had. My character was freezing pretty badly by now.

In a last ditch attempt I went back the way I came where I had seen an old wind shelter. It was just big enough to fit in. I crawled in and tried to start a fire. I didn't have any accelerant with me so I couldn't get it going. I tried again and again. The storm wasn't getting any better. And by now the temperature was below -40 degrees Celsius. I came to the realization that I wouldn't get out of this. By now my character was too cold to even try to light a fire. I lit a match and held it up which increased the temperature inside the small wooden shelter by a degree or so. It was meaningless of course.
I wrote a few last words in the diary and drifted off to sleep, never to wake again.
張貼於 2016 年 5 月 16 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 222.0 小時 (評論時已進行 72.0 小時)
The biggest mistake Rainbow Six Siege did was to have Rainbow Six in its tittle.

By itself it's an amazing competitive FPS. But if you were looking for a classical Rainbow six game...keep looking.

If we igonre the fact that it's not a classical RBS game what's good and bad?


Very good map design
Interesting characters to chose from
Well optimized
Free dlc for everyone
Pretty nice community
Nice visuals
Awesome sounds
PVE for those who don't like PVP.


A few bugs and glitches
Matchmaking can stop working sometimes (pretty rare since the fix)
No singleplayer campaign
Ubisoft servers do mess up now and then.


This game is best played with friends. You don't have to be a full team but it really help if you're just two.

If you've got some friends to play this with, then play it...seriously.
張貼於 2016 年 2 月 7 日。
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總時數 189.4 小時 (評論時已進行 36.2 小時)
Everything you loved about EU and EW just got better.

If you liked the previous Xcom game...There's no reason why you wouldn't like this.

A story that is actually interesting.
Awesome gameplay.
Flawless mod support.
Missing shots that has a 98% hit chance.
Solders panicking, killing their own guys!

It's everything we love about Xcom and more.

There have been people complaining about timers on missions, saying they're not enough.
To them I say, What are you doing? I've never had any time with the timers and I'm not very got at this game.

Always feels like it's just enough to complete and to push you forward. It has a very nice balance and I'm glad it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

(There will be a mod to fix this if it annoys you any day now anyway...I promise you this.)
張貼於 2016 年 2 月 5 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 54.1 小時 (評論時已進行 32.2 小時)
When I first started playing this game is was disapointed. I didn't really know what to expect.
I felt like it was just like Elite but with ships. And it kinda is and it kinda isn't.

Naval Action is a truly unique game.

You join a faction at the start of the game (You can make several characters with different nations) and based on that you are placed somewhere in the HUGE world of this game which takes place in the carribbean, of course. Not all locations are based on real places however. But that's good Imo because it offers more places to explore.

This is an early access game but it doesn't feel at all like it's in beta or anything. I haven't come across a single bug. Only thing I noticed was that I could buy iron and sell it for a higher price than I bought it for, in the same port, it fixed itself after I've sold only a few iron ingots, so I didn't get rich. (sadface)
The one thing they could do better is the UI. It's perfectly functional but it's not very good looking.
And more ships...But I'm sure we'll get that.

The only real nagative thing I can say about this game is the HUGE initial grind you have to go through to get your first ship. This was almost fixed when they added the Pickle (but it's so hard to get that it's almost impossible). But I personally had to play for about 15 hours before I got my first new ship. You could do it faster but I had to do things in between mission so I wouldn't get bored. Good thing is that the devs have said there will be no more exp wipes which means you get to keep your level which is the most important thing really. Gold isn't as big of a deal. Not too hard to come by. So once you get passed that inital grind you're free forever. (Unless you make a new character).

The combat is slowish depending on the size of the battle. In most missions you will only face one enemy which is slow indeed, but not nessesarily boring. The larger battles are faster, and awesome to behold.

People keep saying the game is very complex. Which I didn't reallt feel. No it's not just a game you can just in to and know exactly what you're doing in 5 minutes. But Give it an hour or so and you'll start to get the hang of it. People are really helpful so if you've got a question you ask in chat and you'll get help. No question is too stupid. (Except how to turn on your engine...)
張貼於 2016 年 1 月 24 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 25.8 小時 (評論時已進行 21.2 小時)
My only problem with this game is that it had an ending.

Seriuosly though, this is probably one of my favorite games ever in terms of story. I'm quite a fan of these types of games and when I was told about this game I hadn't even heard of it. I didn't even start playing it until the last episode had been out for a month or two.

I didn't have any expectations at all. (Well it had a high rating on Steam reviews but that's all)

This game, just like Telltale games, starts out with a text that says something along the lines of "Your choises matter etc." and recently Telltale has been given a lot of ♥♥♥♥ because of this because it's not really true. Here it's...well it's not perfect. There's not dozens of different endings but your choises do actually matter in some cases.
And it actually makes perfect sense that some of your choises doesn't matter, and that's one of the things I love about this game. I wish I could go more in depth about it but that's some pretty heavy spoilers :)

Anyway you shouldn't be playing this game because you have to be in controll of what happens, you should play it because it has a damn good story. And because it's an emotionall rollercoaster.
張貼於 2016 年 1 月 6 日。 最後編輯於 2016 年 1 月 6 日。
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總時數 16.8 小時 (評論時已進行 13.6 小時)
OMG, this game!

Where to begin?

Ok let's start by saying that the game can be quite hard at some times. And you will have to think on your ownn.
I have gotten stuck sometimes but I never look for a solution online. Because that feeling you get when you finally get it. Oh man that feeling. Such a rewarding game!

I just got hacked for the first time and my whole system just died. The only thing I had was my terminal which I had to use to steal a system file from another computer...and once I figgured out how to do it...Man...You seriously feel like you're a real hacker :'D

If you're even the slightest interested in this type of game...Just buy it. Once you get passed the first 30 minutes or so depending on how fast you figgure out some stuff you'll be having a great time!
張貼於 2015 年 8 月 13 日。
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總時數 0.0 小時
Ok I'll say this. Playing as Daud is more fun than playing as Corvo.
His skills are so much more fun to use and lets face it, we all though the assassins were cool as hell.
I seriously wish they would do an entire game around them.

The story was a little bit confusing compared to the main quest and it all ends very suddenly. But It's still worth playing.

Only con is the length of it. It's only about 2 hours extra gameplay if you're fast.
張貼於 2015 年 6 月 20 日。
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