
Последние обзоры Vuyek

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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 30
187.7 ч. всего (101.2 ч. в момент написания)
THIS IS THE BEST RTS OF ALL TIME. PERIOD. HONEST TRUTH.Review updated!!!//New and updated content begin//Better than DOW3, better than SupCom, better than everything. Dawn of War 3 is trash, a game made by souless corporate drones working in a typical corporate committee, made for "I am 5 and what is this" mouthbreathers.Dawn of War 1 in all its iterations was (and IS!) a revolutionary RTS utilizing terrain cover mechanics, squad morale and different classes of weapons (anti personnel, anti-tank and combo).//End of updated content//Still the greatest RTS ever made.Better than DOW2, better than SupCom, better than everything.The amount of factions is staggering and they are all reasonably balanced (pros might disagreem but no race is gimped enough so that a slightly skilled player will lose to a lesser player because of choosing an OP faction).Space marines... orks... tau... Sisters... imperial guard.... necrons... and MORE.And they all play differently.This is a masterpiece.This is perfection in gaming.If you play solo, highly recommended that you get the AI skirmish mod which makes the AI more challenging and more like a human opponent.If you like competitive multiplayer, this is STILL played online every day.
Опубликовано 14 октября 2015 г.. Отредактировано 23 марта 2023 г..
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745.5 ч. всего (266.7 ч. в момент написания)
It is 2023. I am playing it. VC is still great.

Review for Mount and Blade: Viking Conquest

When you played M&B, did you wish for more of a story to go along with it? Were you annoyed that there were no quests save the generic ones of fetch this, kill that? Did you want M&B to be more of an RPG?

I did.

And so, to me, M&B:VC is one of my top 10 games.

Also included is naval combat - in this era, ships got alongside each other and the crews/warriors hacked at each other with abandon.

There is trading, more kingdoms than vanilla

Battles are up to 700 troops (!!! turn off your graphics settings - get rid of shadows and such... Worth it)...

You can be a pirate...

This game is very addicting and well worth the money.

The bugs have been cleaned up a bit since the (disastrous) release. However, personally I have seen two bugs so far:

1) During the main quest, I could talk to a person with the same dialogue tree over and over and increase/decrease various people's opinions of me continously. Thay should not be allowed - that conversation should happen once.

2) During sea battles, sometimes a soldier will somehow become a helicopter... and be in the air, roughly 10 metres above the ground... then slowly descend to ground (ship) level.

Those are two bugs which I can personally confirm - I have not completed the main quest yet, FYI.

8/10, great game, buy it.
Опубликовано 14 июня 2015 г.. Отредактировано 2 июля 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 7
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 5
191.6 ч. всего (57.1 ч. в момент написания)
Best Paradox game ever made.

Combine the following games: Democracy, CK2 and Hearts of Iron 3.

I used to be a Hearts of Iron 3 addict, and still go back to it a bit, from time to time, when the urge strikes me to conquer the world as Germany or turn everybody into a slave as USSR.

But this... Vicky2 models your population - various people can do various jobs.

Want to go to war? Fine, recruit your soldiers.... but will that leave enough to work your factories?

Meanwhile you must juggle internal politics (this is one of the few games that gets this right) balancing between need for reform (if any) and people pushing back against it.

And of course there are the nations around you, just waiting for that one slip to destroy you.

You can lose a war, but losing your national rank in this game hurts a lot more, as great powers, and even secondary powers have many advantages over nations with less worldwide respect.

This game is the pinnacle of the Paradox studios.

This game is the pinnacle of strategy.

This is on par with Distant Worlds, if not better.
Опубликовано 6 июня 2015 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 9
27.6 ч. всего (27.5 ч. в момент написания)
For my full review, please go here. My review was too big for steam, apparently.


Highly, highly recommended.

For s***ts and giggles, read some of the reviews bad mouthing this game.
My favorite so far is the one "Too much going on for me I did not like having to upgrade my own ships".

I LOL'ed.

If you want my other epic work, try this, this is what I am (in)famous for

Опубликовано 1 мая 2015 г..
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57.2 ч. всего (11.2 ч. в момент написания)
This game.

This game reminds me of GTA San Andreas. When GTA was over the top, funny and fun to play.

Except this takes place in Hong Kong. But if you think GTA game in Honk Kong, you have the jist of what this game is all about.

This game is... awesome.

Most fun I have had since STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl.

Free world, go anywhere you want. Perform side missions (or don't). Infiltrate the triad and become attached to the "bad guys". Steal a car and murder a bunch of people because you are off to do a "cop job", in which you arrest bad guys and rescue civilians.

Woo beautiful (pixelated) women and drive exotic cars... or is it woo cars and drive exotic women...

Eat a hundred pork buns.

Become a buddhist to gain extra health.

This game is an experience.


Опубликовано 9 февраля 2015 г..
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81.1 ч. всего (25.4 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
Best early access game I have bought. Basically it is a complete game, with the developers adding and testing new stuff.

No bugs whatsoever so far.


Have you ever wanted to play dward fortress but wanted better, usable graphics and better UI?
If so, buy this game.
Опубликовано 6 сентября 2014 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
86.6 ч. всего (35.6 ч. в момент написания)
Superb game, highly recommended. GTA with zombies. Sandbox. Randomly generated missions. And it all comes together superbly!
Опубликовано 31 августа 2014 г..
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1,399.4 ч. всего (1,000.6 ч. в момент написания)
Edit: Amended review - I stand by my view that the original game is great.

This is not pay to win.

Let me repeat that.


You can choose to not pay one cent or kopek to this game and have a blast. I have over 300 hours here, and all for free.

There are two games in one here: tanks and airplanes.

With tanks, it is unlike that other tard game, because here the angle at which you strike the enemy tank and where you strike it matter.

Tanks are fun.

Airplanes, however, are SUPER fun.

There are 3 modes: arcade, realistic, and simulator.

Arcade is derpy fun action where physics are toned down and you are basically in an American war movie (think Rambo as a pilot) and have up to 5 (you can buy more slots) airplanes to fly in one game.

Again, not pay to win, as I have gotten better I basically use 1 airplane per arcade match and never die.

Realistic has actual flight models and damage models implemented, but you are limited to one airplane and once you die (excuse me, get unconscious, game is Pegi 5) it is game over for you - so survival is at a premium. You must learn your airplane - how fast it flies in level flight, how fast it climbs, how fast it dives (and what is the speed that wings get ripped off), how fast it turns, how fast it turns in a vertical (yoyo, immelman). GREAT FUN.

Simulator is full blown simulator, with very unforgiving physics and flight model and stall characteristics AND you are limited to cockpit view only (no 3d camera behind your plane).

Highly recommended - in fact, I am 99.99% sure I will buy the Steam Ace pack.

Bonus change of review:

Game is great.

Matchmaking is horrible... your 1938 planes will fight 1943 planes, and your 1944 propeller planes will fight jets.

Gaijin - the company - is ruining the game with every patch. Every patch is making the game worse. People who have spent hundreds of pounds, dollars, shekels are abandoning the game.

Moderation here on Steam and especially in official forums is terrifyingly bad, to the point where I think the mods are trolling the company and intentionally sabotaging the game.

Please check this out: on the official WT forum, due to heavy criticism of the way the event is run (i.e. it is a full time job, roughly 40 hours of grind, to unlock a plane which you can buy for $5), the forum mods have locked every unofficial "Summer Madness Event" thread, and told the posters to write in the one and only official thread.


Here, take a look: http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/164489-special-summertime-madness/?p=3101520

Mod wrote: "OK guys it seems that you all just want to vent and rage. Dont see much constructive here therefore this thread is locked until further notice!". Posted 05 August 2014 - 05:18 AM... and the official thread about an ongoing PR event is still locked.

This is not normal behaviour from a company to its customers.

I was personally insulted by a mod and am now banned from the forums.

Others, who have posted helpful articles about how to improve the game which ran counter to the "one and only way" the company changes the game have their threads locked or deleted and are called "an idiot" by a mod who locked it.

Example: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/2cw51p/the_ju87_d5_and_gaijins_complete_lack_of_integrity/

Basically a German Stuka dive bomber had airbrakes (so, you know, it could dive bomb without ripping off its wings) and in a patch that was taken away WITHOUT ANY NOTES IN PATCH NOTES ABOUT IT (i.e. ninja patch).

When a player has posted that the Stuka model in game HAD the airbrakes, and provided documentation and pictures about it, his thread posted in "Flight Models" tech section was locked, he was called "an idiot" by a forum moderator.

Let me leave this here from reddit/warthunder:

"Every single update we are reminded that all of our suggestions go unnoticed, every single forum suggestion or complaint we have about game structure is locked or dismissed. We have been insulted, called idiots, been punished for not paying, and those who are paying have been punished for not paying more. When we complain about a patch in the forums it is locked and the thread is often deleted, complain in game and we get a chat ban. We have asked to see the BR and MM systems and our requests have been denied because according to the mods we "wouldn't understand". All of this and more has occurred since the beginning of the game and it's starting to get old.

I love War Thunder, I think it's a gorgeous game, but it will die if Gaijin doesn't start listening, or at least treating us a little bit better. Half the posts I see on this subreddit at any point in time are about how we're either not being listened to or how we're being mistreated, and to be honest it more and more it seems like those posts are valid."
Опубликовано 10 июля 2014 г.. Отредактировано 8 сентября 2018 г..
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