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Скорошни рецензии на DianTherra

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139.0 изиграни часа
Core Keeper has been a fun time for me ever since it was fully launched :)
I played it quite a bit back in late August, and throughout most of October. I like Terraria and Valheim a lot, and this game scratches that same itch of somewhat grindy, boss-fight-centric games. You get to a new area, gather resources, gear up and defeat the area's boss. Probably over and over if you're looking for anything specific.
I enjoy the art style a lot, it's very cozy to me. I'd recommend giving it a go, especially with friends!
Публикувана 1 декември 2024.
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0.3 изиграни часа
As an Oculus player, I can't adjust the table because the game tells me to use a button on a Vive controller (no button on the Oculus controllers worked, but there are TWO buttons that open the pause menu).
Sometimes the bot or I got a point basically before anything happened (throw the ball, hit it, and just before it does the first bounce on the opponent's side, the bot or I got a point).
I'm also crap at table tennis.
All in all, the game isn't for me.
Публикувана 23 февруари 2024.
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2.9 изиграни часа
It's absolute chaos and a lot of fun with your best mates.
Seeing how different abilities interact with each other is a lot of fun, and stages make or break how useful each ability is too. Simple, yet it offers a lot of variety!

I'd love to see more stages, the ability to be more than four players in a game, or at least being able to quickly swap between fights so we don't have to all disconnect and join together again.
Perhaps letting more than four people join so the others can spectate, and maybe be able to quickly swap with someone.

I look forward to seeing what they do with the game in the future!
Публикувана 16 ноември 2023.
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0.2 изиграни часа (0.2 часа по време на рецензията)
It's a neat little game!
Made by volunteer fulltime-students over the period of two years, during their spare time; not too shabby!
It could use some things like instructions for keyboard (WASD for movement, P for pause, R to open the turret menu, E to confirm, Escape as the deny button, arrow keys to turn a turret around)... but it's also a free game.
Personally, I think that with some polish, a few quality-of-life things added, it could honestly be an enjoyable, complete game experience, and I'd love to play that (though I enjoy what's there already). And with some more content, perhaps more maps, a story mode and a complete tutorial to go through.. we'd have a full game.
This is good stuff!
As it was a passion-project, I don't expect all of this stuff above to happen, but I'd love it if it did... or if someone built upon the open-source stuff that's there!
As a proof of concept, I'd call this a success.
It's a diamond in the rough, Heck, maybe it's just charcoal too, but it's some darn good charcoal XD

Trash temples, assure mutual destruction and discover the secret. I like what I see, and I look forward to what the developers make in the future!
Публикувана 26 ноември 2022. Последно редактирана 26 ноември 2022.
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603.3 изиграни часа
I discovered this game fairly late compared to my friends.
But oh boy, has it been a blast playing it again and again over the years.
A lot of people say that Minecraft is a game they never truly get tired of; that they can come back to play it agian and again.
Terraria is that game for me.
I haven't even played with any of the mods made for it, and it is still deserving of all the praise it's getting. If I could nominate this for "work of love" for the Steam awards again, I would.
I love playing this game alone, chilling to the game's own stellar soundtrack or with a podcast in the background.
I love playing this game with others, strategizing on how to beat a boss while brewing potions and cooking food bcause I'm the only player who cares enough to do so D:<
I love what it has to offer, and I'll keep coming back again and again. It's truly one of the games I've had the most fun playing.

Man, I love Terraria.
Публикувана 25 ноември 2022.
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