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Скорошни рецензии на Arashi4466

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12.9 изиграни часа
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
If you have a group of friends you game with regularly, this game will provide hours of entertainment. It has a bit of a steep learning curve at first (and difficulty varies by job), but once you get past that it is a very enjoyable.
Публикувана 9 юли 2020.
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12 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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1.4 изиграни часа
All in all this game could be fun, but unfortunately balancing issues ruin it. There is no point to any of the building aspects of the game whatsoever, as the easiest way to make it far in the game is to simply use all of your money to upgrade your ammo pool and buy new guns, then lead all of the mobs in circles and kill them off. If you decide to go with the building route of things, prepare to be disappointed, as all of your structures will be expensive to build and will be smashed almost immediately. There is absolutely no reason to bother with stationary weapons, as they are targeted with a vengeance by the mobs, and will almost always get taken out within moments of the round starting, no matter how well defended you think that you've made them. I suppose the one way they attempted to balance things and prevent people from run and gunning would be the addition of 1hit kill mobs in the later waves, but I have been killed by these far more often while trying to defend a structure than in the runs where I dont build anything and just shoot.
Публикувана 9 юли 2020.
Беше ли полезна тази рецензия? Да Не Забавна Награда
4 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
0.5 изиграни часа
Fun concept, but definitely needs improvement.

After playing through the first couple of levels the impression that I got was that it has potential to be a very fun game, but has some glaring flaws. First off, I will say that the game looks great (visually) despite its simplicity. The music is also catchy and fits it well. The game seems like it could be incredibly fun if polished up a bit, but right now I cant overlook some of the problems that made it frustrating to play. The first thing that I noticed upon starting to play is that the movement speed in this game (even while sprinting) is surprisingly slow. I feel that this game would be much more fun if it were slightly faster paced. the maps/puzzles seem to be well thought out, but at the slow speed it wasn't as entertaining.

The bigger issue would be some of the bugs and/or design decisions. The most frustrating design decision made in this game was to set the sprint button up as a toggle. It wouldn't be as much of an issue if not for the fact that it automatically untoggles if you stop or rapidly change direction. Many if not most of my difficulties in this game were due to the sprint function not working as I intended for it to, as many of the jumps do require you to sprint for them, and when it randomly turns off you are left to fall and die and try again.

The second most frustrating issue would have to be the wall run mechanics, which are bluntly put unrefined. often times you wont snap to a wall at all when attempting to, and simply fall and die. In addition to this, you are automatically ejected from the wall if you angle your view too far outward, which can make it difficult to manage certain jumps. This is also a very frustrating design choice.

The final major issue I noticed is that after a certain point (or perhaps certain number of uses?) I lost the ability to use the push/pull function entirely. I am unsure if this is a bug or is intended, but it certainly is needed in certain parts of the game and if its meant to be that way, some sort of use gauge would be a welcome addition.

Finally, this game is surprisingly hardware intensive for a game with such simple (although great looking graphics). My GTX1660Ti was at nearly 100% usage my entire time playing this game. This is harder on the graphics card than many if not most other modern games (even when running the other games on high or even ultra). I'm not sure why that is, but it definitely turned my PC into a space heater.

Overall the game has great potential and could be incredibly fun with some polishing up, but at the point the game is at now, I cant say I would recommend it.
Публикувана 3 юли 2020. Последно редактирана 9 юли 2020.
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Разработчик е дал отзив на 9 юли 2020 в 11:50 (преглед на отклика)
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