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8.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I didn't play for long because the game is rather unstable at the moment and has no Linux support, however I generally enjoyed it
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
An ugly car based on the most boring character in the DC Universe, the biggest crutch in the game and the very definition of P2W.

Use only if you´re just as big of a dullard as Clark Kent
Posted 22 January, 2022. Last edited 23 January, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
Just like the previous pass (And pressumably future season passes) this is not included in the Ultimate Stunt Edition and requires for you to pay an extra in order to earn the privilage to unlock the content within the season pass (You DO NOT get the content straight away but wather have to work through a 36-day long grind in order to unlock everything).

That would be fine and dandy, however as of the time of writing multiplayer is plagued with cheaters, meaning if you want that ugly non-customizable squidward car your best bet is to do it on single player, which can get really dull really fast.

Recommended only if you have nothing better to do after 4PM and cash to burn, otherwise just wait for a sale and buy yourself a full-fledged indie racing game with the money this costs like Horizon Chase Turbo, BallisticNG, GRIP or Radial-G
Posted 20 January, 2022. Last edited 21 January, 2022.
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2.1 hrs on record
There is something about this game that didn't quite click with me coming from the first one.

It took me recording myself and comparing both games on the same track and same difficulty to figure out what was bothering so much and I believe I figured it out

For those that aren't familiar with these games both screens probably look the same but for others the problem is pretty evident:BEAT HAZARD 2 IS EASIER, WAY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EASIER.

Beat hazard 2 relies on trash mobs; it continuously throws at you hordes and hordes of enemies your way and gives you a nice big score on top of it to make you feel good about yourself but ultimately those mobs die faster and pose less of a threat than they did in Beat Hazard 1 (In the first game a bunch of low tier spaceships can -really- screw you over).

One may argue that the difficulty from this game comes from aiming for high scores rather than staying alive but to me that sounds like the excuse people have employed for kirby for the last 28 years and truth to be told? I hate Kirby, someone else may like Kirby but I was always more of a Contra guy.
Posted 20 December, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
As others have pointed the EULA is a mess.
The matter if usage for commercial use has been resolved with the addition of new characters and free usage of tiles and props but this part is still ambiguous:

Article 7 Prohibitions:
1. Without obtaining approval from SmileBoom, the User may not (if you are not sure whether it is the case or not, please contact SmileBoom) [...]
[...](7) Use DLC in a materially antisocial game or the ones that would be offensive to public order and morals.

What does this even mean, does it mean we can only make unoffensive games with this? That we cannot tackle subjects such as NEETs and hikikomoris with it? That our games cannot offend soccer moms and as such cannot cointain blood? That we cannot make a game where the main character can fail a test based on user inputs because that would be demoralizing? That we cannot make a game criticizing the government of Tuvalu?

I'm honestly lost here, offensive to the moral of who, disrupting the public order how?! I don't get it and I don't think it's worth going to court over it, just skip this one.
Posted 15 December, 2021.
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225.7 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
As of the 10th of november of 2022 the game is now in life support mode, there's barely anyone playing online making online matches near impossible (Particularly because a segment of the playerbase seems to have fragmented and is now playing in private lobbies), there's still bugs and well-known reported issues present that were never addressed and there's no saying when the gamedevs are going to pull the plug and kill all the player-generated content such as custom skins and tracks while also not providing tools to preserve the game for the time when that inevitably happens.

This was a fun game while it lasted but I cannot recommend it for what is soon to become a limited single player experience for the price being asked, basic features such as 4 player splitscreen, npc's in custom tracks, npc's in splitscreen and a speed meter (Yes, really, that was never implemented) were never implemented and tossed aside in favor of releasing licensed DLC of quite frankly ugly looking cars for the most part.

It's a shame, this could've easily been the best hot wheels game ever created but ultimately the dollar speaks and due to the lack of QoLs and actively listening to the player base needs this game not only lost said playerbase but will inevitably turn into a rather mediocre hot wheels game once the plug on the servers is pulled.
Posted 27 November, 2021. Last edited 10 November, 2022.
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22.2 hrs on record
I've been a fan of serious sam ever since I got into PC gaming about 6 or seven years ago. In that time I've gotten to play every first person game released to date, I got this game and honestly I'm quite happy about it, I felt somewhat worried of where the franchise was going after Seious Sam 3 but luckily they dialed it back a little (And sadly they decided to dial things back on for some reason).

Even thogh most issues have been patched the game still feels like a constant struggle between the developers and their investors, there are elements from other modern FPS games which are heavily shoe horned in and feel really out of place here such as the vehicles which although they have been in the series in the past here they don't really serve any purposse other than showcasing the big maps full of nothing that the team managed to load into the game engine and melee kills occupying half of the brand new skill system because hey Melee kills were a huge thing on Doom right?.

The game is saved by the shooting however, it feels really good this time around and offers new weapons and alternative fire modes to the old ones, as well as new enemies to complimient those new weapons (None of which are hitscan). They toned down the campaign to make it a little more light-hearted than last time.

Additional points:
  1. Power ups are now activated on command: Previously you had to look in the arenas for a powerup and depending on the situtation they were pretty much mandatory to take at some point or another, now you can just bring power ups with you, which is great.
  2. The perk system is actually not awful: This is a polarizing opinion, I liked the idea behind the skill three, particularly when the skills can be activated and deactivated (So you don't screw yourself over picking useless perks). The only reall complaint that I have is that they hid away the ability to reload while running as a perk, which should've been a thing on the base game.
  1. Poor optimization: I really don't understand why my RTX 2060 super starts dying whenever I so much as looked at this game when in the past I've been able to run serious sam 3 in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GT 730. The most prevalent issue I noticed was texture pop-in on par with Fallout New Vegas, however every now and then (Certainly not as often as some old reviews point out) I had framedrops, which to the credit of the poor intern in charge of patching the game never dropped me below 30.
  2. ♥♥♥♥ carried over from Serious Sam 3: Constant reload of weapons, awful pacing and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ parkour in order to get secrets make a come back in full force, the first one gets a little better with the new perk system but the other two never improve.
  3. Homing and telegraphed projectiles: They are an issue in this game, there are several segments absolutely swarming with them which although normally not an issue most of them cannot be destroyed.
All this said I had a fun time with Seriouis Sam 4, it's not the best in the series and it's not the worse of the series, it's somewhere in the middle. If you are looking for a challenge I also consider this one to be the second hardest (Serious Sam 2 is still the hardest).
Posted 26 June, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
As others have pointed out this DLC doesn't contain anything except for an EULA and Read me file.

Refund request, app reported

Edit: Decided to contact the publisher so they could solve the damn problem as I actually wanted this DLC, as it turns out for some god farsaken reason contents are directly installed over the assets folder rather than containing as a zip as detailed in the README File. Content purchased again.
Posted 5 January, 2021. Last edited 6 January, 2021.
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155.3 hrs on record (40.1 hrs at review time)
No out-of the box RTX support and no support for mods from the previous version?

Seriously Todd? All I wanted was to role play as a loving house wife that waits for his loving husband every day with enhanced textures and a skill tree for cooking

Am I truly asking for too much Todd?

♥♥♥♥ you, Todd
Posted 28 July, 2020.
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0.3 hrs on record
The concept has potential but the implementation is rather messy.

Allow me to elaborate; the game doesn't have any buildup to the songs and will often spam high level enemies at the beginning of them, enemies are absolute bullet sponges, there is ONE fully automatic weapon as far as I know (Which makes the aforementioned bullet sponge enemies really frustrating to fight), Most of the high-level enemies are airborne and as such distract you from what's going on the ground and the power-ups are near impossible to see among the chaos.

You can see for yourself all the points that I've mentioned in the following video by yourself:


Now, the way I would go around to try and fix this game would be to either reduce the hitpoints of enemies or increase the amount of fully auto weapons, allow for pickups to be used at the player's leisure rather than having them be of instant use (ESPECIALLY BOMBS), have the difficulty ramp up as the game progresses and allow for auto-aim pickups for airborne enemies.

But that's just my opinion, it's not a bad game it's just lacking in polish and balance.
Posted 27 January, 2020.
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