95% af alle piger/dreng ville dø vis Justin Bieber stod på toppen af et højhus og skulle til at springe. "kopier" DETTE vis du er en af de 5% som ville gå op på huset og skubbe ham ned istedet og ville være glad bagefter fordi du tænkte inde i dig selv "Jeg er skyld i at han er død så man slipper for at høre på den 16 årige lille dreng vis stemme ik er gået i overgang endnu".____________________Okay jeg laver sprays, movies og ka godt lide selv at spille :D er 14 år hedder Asbjørn bor tæt på Roskilde. En tekst jeg godt ku' li' :D
Horny like a sickness,
Quickies with the quickness,
♥♥♥♥♥ like it's business,
work it like it's fitness,
listen while i spit this,game at all these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥,Now im gonna hit this,
and ♥♥♥♥ it till i'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥..
Fra sangen "Hollywood Undead - California" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nISMueYltu8 ved 0:52

Counter Strike S.
Deathcaurse: An Update
"Dear Counter S. I will always miss you and love you till the end of my life, but i can't get you back. But ive Tryed the best i could, but apparently just not good enough, im so sorry, i know that theres alot of people out there gonna miss you and were today standing at your Grave witch we all signed and were crying but we will be reminded of that freedom will allways be when your near, so i hope you got to heaven and still are in all of us"
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RainbowBang 23 Jul, 2010 @ 10:54am 
ur banned from MW2 !!! o.o