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Análises recentes de wolfen7lada

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This is a more streamlined and yet complex FTL style rogue like.

No micro managing just math and synergy. Honestly its like if FTL and magic the gathering had a baby.


So... I got some more hours on this... I haven't been this addicted since vampire survivors or brotato. It's alot of fun and their some really neat synergies and fight gimmicks to explore. You can retry a fight with all the same units and by learning the gimmick and tactically using your energy you can pull some seriously awesome hail marry plays. I'm not even halfway through the game, I got to difficulty 4 (8 so far) but I've been going through runs with all the different pilots to find the ones I like the most. Every time I do a new run or try something different I find a new way of synergizing systems and understand the holiday mechanic more.

I dont really have any complaints just a wish list:
- more ship types
- more game modes
- a vs mode
Publicada em 1 de fevereiro. Última edição em 9 de fevereiro.
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98.8 horas registradas (48.9 horas no momento da análise)
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Here because of Splatter cat, played 3 days straight. Better then vampire survivors IMO, 10/10
Publicada em 25 de abril de 2023.
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42.7 horas registradas (4.0 horas no momento da análise)
I was Iffy About this Game from the recent mixed reviews, but rest assured that this is an excellent game. First and foremost it is not FTL. To me this is more of a hybrid 4X style management game in the easy to digest format of FTL. It brings a lot of cool things to the table and focuses on resource, crew, ship management, and exploration. The way you navigate through sectors feels much more immersive then the on rails format of FTL. The resource system and crafting elements are out of this world(sorry had to). What STE focuses on it does well, It is a methodical game that will keep tensions high as you watch your ship degrade away, resources diminish, and you try to stave off a cold death for just one more sector. The devs really captured the sense of hopelessness as you try to get back home. If you like games like RimWorld, SpaceBase, or just like fresh takes on these genres you'll dig this. All in all I think this is an excellent Indie game to add to the collection so you should most def try it out. Also make sure you do the tutorial.

- interesting take on the sub genre
- Great UI
- Brutal yet fair combat
- Cool ship Mechanics
- Detailed Crafting system
- Awesome exploration elements
- Rewarding crew, ship, and resource management
- You can start from any sector you've completed (out of 9)
- Excellent 4X style ship navigation and exploration
- Has great explanations and well written tips for main mechanics
- Has some meta game play mechanics
- Easier then a 4x game

- It has a bit of a learning curve(Tutorial recommended)
- It doesn't explain sub mechanics as well as i'd hope(like that you can send your dudes to other ships by clicking on them)
- Crew management UI could use some improvements
- It could do with some more random encounters and options to handle situations
- it takes a few runs to get the hang of things
- TRYING TO CLOSE THE GAME AUTOMATICALLY SAVES IT!!! ( s a fellow programmer wtf guys)
Publicada em 14 de fevereiro de 2020. Última edição em 21 de fevereiro de 2020.
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102.3 horas registradas (64.8 horas no momento da análise)
This is a nice Indie game that could easily be overlooked. Everything about it screams retro side scroller, however I was pleasantly suprized to see alot of interesting gameplay mechanics. It's part castle defense, part RTS, part contra style shootem up. If any of these things sound appealing to you this may just be your game: building the most inpenitrable base, sending waves of units to take out an enemy base, or Running around blowing limbs of scores of baddies, Resourse management and development, or sitting back and letting the computer do it for you.

The game is based in a very distant future where people's brains controll robotic legions to fight over resources. Everything about the game can be found in its opening cutscene (which might i add is freaken awsome) The core gameplay revolves around you Brain... both literally and virturally represented. The brain is either a moving robot or a static part of your defense that controlls all other actors and units. Its pretty simple kill the Brain, win the game. Initially when you occupy a planet at the same time as an opponet your brain will be air assaulted in with a few minor units ( In most cases a mobile sentry with anti arcraft rocket) From there you can call in additional units expending a gold resource that can be mined. Once a plannet is in your controll you can put your gold into building your dream base or have the computer do it for you. In the campain you set the number of factions and faction types along with the number of brains they have. Once all the brains are gone you win... or loose. Lets move on to the actors/units you can rain firery death with.

There are a few tarting factions in the game ( which can be expanded with player made mods) Each faction has a pool of troops (actors) weapons, tools, and aircraft to choose from. In the campaing by selecting a certain faction gives you a discount towards thier troops and gear, however you are not constrained to just that faction type. When your brain calls up troops you'll have a window that you may select the troops and thier eqipment. You start of with how they get thier, what troop type, and eqipment thier carrying. The initial equipment and weapons is expansive, with every weapon and tool verying greatly between eachother. A unit can hold many weapons and tools and freely switch between them on the fly, however if you load up on to much you cant fly... This brings me to another point. All your units are equiped with jet packs. This is both awesome and fustrationg as menuvering your flyboys and girls cand take some practice; and will most likely end up with your trooper splattered against a wall or something. Its almost like Tribes meets Contra.

The combat in this game can be pretty intertaining. All troops have body parts that can be blown off with well aimed shots; can make them beguin to bleed out or not. Another option is shooting the weapons out of enemies hands. The RTS aspect lets you select a groop of actors and set them on a patroll, Guard, Brain hunt mode, or designated points. You can also form a squad and have them move together and/or follow you. This is a pretty interesting aspect and gives the game some depth and versitility. If you feel like being rambo you can, want to dropp in with an expensive hit team into the heart of the enemy defenses you can, or if You just want to send wave after wave of troops while you mine for gold Terraria style to fund it YOU CAN!

This is a very enjoyable game and has many interesting elements not utilized by other games. It is however not without its faults. The AI can be less desirable at times, as in getting stuck or just flat out non responsive. The game has a tendency to crash when overloaded with actors in the campain feature. The campain is very easy even on hard difficulty and there are many ways of rigging your planet to be niegh impenitrable. It would be a great improvement if you could choose to drop a couple bombs on key locations before your very vulnerable brain drops from the heavens just to get shot down my spammed rocket infantry.

All in all this is a great indi game and well worth a few bucks just to experience an outside the box game. It didnt have the backing of a AAA design team, yet still happens to pack some oomph.
Publicada em 24 de abril de 2015.
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43.5 horas registradas (8.2 horas no momento da análise)
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"Think Battle Field meets the origional Grand Theft auto. Its a simple, yet fun open world topdown shooter chaulked full of interesting gameplay elements blended beautifully blended together"

Running with Rifels is a fresh take of an open world war game. It uses common corntrolls from modern FPS and 3rd person shooters and pairs it nicely with a reto top down perspective. The cartoony graphics are well made and bring a good feel to the overal game experience; you almost don't feel bad for spraying hate into loads of green, tan, or gray soldiers... albiet they are most likely doing that to you, which brings me to the AI. The AI in this game make thier BF4 and COD counter parts look like glorified boy scouts. As a infantry man inthe US Army, I was pleasantly shoucked at the level of ISD (individual Soldier Dicipline) seen on AI combatans. They hung to cover, bounded, and complimented good fields of fire when in groups. When I first started playing I found myself constantly catching bullets to the face by AI behind good cover. In modern shooters tough AI isn't to bad for seasoned gamers, but because of RWR's simple graphics you now have a couple hundred of these killing machines ready to rain on your parade. Very seldom will you feel like a one man army, which is a nice change of pace to most games out today, and you will have to constantly rely on friendly AI or other players if you wish to make an I'mpact on the enemy.

With all this said, there isn't anything negative that comes to mind with this game. I would love to see more elements included such as Airbourne units and even more advanced tactics used by the enemy; yet its only an early access game. With it still being in development I can only immagine the content to be added will make this an Indi sleeper Hit and provide an enhanced experience to an already great game.
Publicada em 1 de janeiro de 2015.
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