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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 25.9 hrs on record (14.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 20 Feb, 2022 @ 9:08pm
Updated: 24 Feb, 2022 @ 2:09pm

If there was only "Neutral" or "Meh" between Yes or No choices. The game is alright. It is kind of badly optimized, but that's not the problem. - it is still playable. The problem is the game content is lacking. I understand that this is an early launch and Mortal Empires isn't out yet (which will make this game Legendary), but at the moment the content level is for the lack of words pales in comparison to even without DLCs Warhammer I main campaigns, let alone to speak of WH II campaign. It is still your type cut and paste Warhammer, with a few new racial mechanics added such as (trivivally) better diplomacy, newer races in the world of WH. However pretty much everything else is just Warhammer clone without DLCs and as again... it is shallow in content. This issue plagued other Warhammer Total Wars and will probably get better, especially when Mortal Empires will come out.
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