5명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 136.4시간 (평가 당시 64.4시간)
게시 일시: 2018년 12월 29일 오후 11시 41분

Picked up this game August 2014, oh yeah 4 years playing this game and really the numbers dont lie... 64 hours hours in a span of 4 years is really all you need to see in order to understand that this game has and had alot of problems.When I picked it up with a buddy of mine I wasnt prepared for the slightest of horrors this game would reveal, and it sure did.Zombies equiped with noclip,ladders that worked half the time and the other half ended up ascending you to heaven or smashing your body to the ground,health system that made no sense and rendered you colorblind for the majority of the game,legs breaking just because you stepped off the pavement and so on and so on. Point is this game was no fun for a group of buddies trying to explore this mess and I must say it still isn't. In all honesty i didn't play much of the "1.0" release cause to be blunt I was sick of this game and I still am because there is always something that is broken in this game. So if you are thinking of buying this game I urge you to reconsider. There are free to play titles out there better than this buggy betrayal.
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