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kayıtlarda 22.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 22.3 saat)
Can´t recommend half-assed games even if the characters look nice.

+ Graphics. it´s a modern game so naturally it looks good. At first this draws you in, because it looks nice and you might get the false impression that a great experience awaits you. Don´t be fooled, this game is just a nicely packaged turd.
+ Characters look good. All the characters look good and luckily by the time this game was released, Capcom was not fully tainted by woke so all the female characters look good.
+ Voice acting. Excellent voice acting. All the voice acting is super well done and the voice actors are clearly very talented. Too bad it was wasted on such a bad game.

- Story. Story is changed and for the worse. Everything that deviates from the original is unnecessary and out of place and frankly boring. For example they added the orphanage section. It adds no value, why bring it here? This also leads to a super boring section with Sherry which is essentially a trial and error version of hide and seek game. Until you know exactly where you have to be and when to complete the stupid section of the game. This is just one example, they changed all the character encounters and story and all for the worse. Annette, Kendo, Irons etc, they changed them all and for the worse in my opinion. And it s funny because while focusing so much on changing all the character encounters and their story they forgot about the main story about Claire and Leon whereas on both playthroughs you only meet ONCE before the final escape. When you play this game it almost seems like you are not traversing this area with the same time as the other character, because there are no interactions between them during the game. There is just the intro sequence, another meeting right after and then the next time they meet is at the very end. There are no radio contacts between the characters or anything else either. When playing with Leon you find these stupid notes Claire seemingly wrote down for you at some sections of the game and that´s all. Seems they focused on changing every other story related aspect so much they forgot the main characters.

- They ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up Ada. They also changed Ada and for so much worse. The only good thing about the Ada in resident evil 2 remake is her looks. She has been turned into an annoying nagging ♥♥♥♥♥. Every time she opens her mouth something annoying comes out. She is the perfect representation of a modern dominant capable independent woman. They nailed it so well. Leon on the other hand is the perfect beta companion to Ada. You can clearly tell by the story Ada is made far more competent and capable than Leon in every way possible. An example of Leon being a beta loser comes to mind when Ada asks Leon to pull out the piece from her leg and Leon replies like an idiot "i don´t know if i should" with this whiny someone took my lollipop away from me voice for which Ada of course quickly corrects him and states the obvious that she can´t walk like this and that Leon should just do it.

- Camera. They managed to ♥♥♥♥ up camera. They knew how to make 3rd person work in previous game like Resident evil 4, back in PS2 era, but here they managed to ♥♥♥♥ it up. The camera is so close to your character that it blocks a part of your screen resulting in sometimes missing an enemy who is right next to you. Maybe capcom in their "infinite wisdom" thought this adds to the tension of "survival horror". No capcom, it doesn´t, it´s just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that leads to taking cheap hits.

- cheap hits. Continuing with cheap hits. There are occasions where you open a door and are greeted with a cheap hit. Great gameplay decision right there, capcom

- bosses. There are only 4 bosses (5 in 2nd scenario if you can call the last one even a boss) in this entire game. Since there are so few boss fights all of them are bullet sponges and you beat them after almost running out of all your ammo. You have to be super precise with your aim and ONLY fire at weakspots, otherwise you waste almost your entire ammunition and after beating the boss it not even be worth proceeding the game with no ammo left.

- tyrant. This leads to another thing they screwed up. After the tyrant appears he will chase you forever. You can gun him down, he will just kneel down for a few moments and continue. So the entire time you hear footsteps everywhere and have to be on look out and be ready to run. Now imagine entering an area with lickers which there are enough to piss you off. You could get past moving silently, but you can´t because of an endless chase sequence. This game tries to emulate the chasing from other games such as Haunting Ground except Haunting Ground is an excellent game and this type of chase is what the game is about. It has no place in a resident evil game. This just adds more unnecessary frustration to an already bad game. Often times you can´t leave the save room because the idiot tyrant is walking right outside the room. So you just hear the stupid footsteps and wait it out. Capcom probably thought it s super fun and adds another layer of tension to the game. In reality these are the perfect times to just go and make yourself a drink or get a snack while the game is running and coming back later to be able to continue.

- enemies follow you through doors. Zombies and dogs can just come through doors. meaning it´s pointless to try and evade or run, because they will follow you everywhere. Might as well just try to kill all enemies in the game completely negating the need to try and dodge, evade enemies to try and save ammo.

- 2nd scenario differences. I keep it short and say ALL the bosses except 1 are exactly the same and the fights happen at the same place. Also ALL the puzzles are the same. In short there isn´t much difference between the two scenarios

- music. Easy, there are none. Well, almost none. Not enough to matter. Music was large part of the original experience. Here you have no music, all you hear are either your own footsteps or the tyrants when the endless "fun" chasing begins.

- guns. Guns are weak and have no impact. I mentioned earlier how bosses are bullet sponges, but even the enemies can resist a great amount of firepower. It took 3 upgraded magnum shots to kill 3 licker. It can probably take more. I say it can probably take more because this games damage calculator seems to be random. Every time the enemies take a different amount of ammo to be killed. Also shotgun doesn´t blow off a zombies head (late in the game only a fully upgraded shotgun does with a super precise shot. If you don´t shoot precisely to the middle of the head, it takes more shots. There was moment in the early part of the game with a regular shotgun where is shot a zombie twice to the head with a shotgun, followed by 1 handgun shots before the zombie attacked me. Yes 2 shotgun shots + 1 handgun bullet and it didn´t even push back the zombie.
Flamethrowers use is limited only to 1 type of enemies, every other enemy doesn´t seem to take any damage from it. I used flamethrower on a zombie, no effect. I guess zombies don´t burn according the "infite wisdom" of resident evil 2 remake developers.

These are just some examples of why the game sucks in my opinion, but in summary the game is just all looks, no substance.

Imagine there used to be a time where capcom cancelled an almost complete version of resident evil 2 which later came to be known as resident evil 1,5. The game was around 80% complete, but capcom felt it wasn´t improved enough and they restarted the project. Those days are long gone. Now they puke out this remake or resident evil 3 remake which i hear is even worse with even less effort put into it. Shame capcom!
Yayınlanma 1 Mayıs.
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kayıtlarda 2.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 2.0 saat)
Woke inspired ugly characters - hard pass!

PS. Thanks for letting me try out this game for free to be able to confirm my suspicions!
Yayınlanma 25 Kasım 2023.
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kayıtlarda 11.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 4.7 saat)
This game is a complete garbage. Stay as far away as you can from this game. I got it for free and i´m sorry i did, because i wasted more than 4 hours of my life playing this piece of garbage. A perfect example of the trash in steam created by untalented garbage indie developers. This game just simply does not work, it´s unplayable. I play for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ almost 5 hours and I cannot unlock a single new character. It´s a joke and I know why this ♥♥♥♥ was offered for free, because NOBODY buys this ♥♥♥♥.
Honestly, if you value your time even just a little bit, stay away from this garbage. Just google or watch from youtube what stupid system this game for unlocking heroes.
Yayınlanma 22 Ocak 2021. Son düzenlenme 22 Ocak 2021.
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kayıtlarda 39.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 37.1 saat)
This game is a masterpiece! It stands tall with the greats from the golden age of gaming such as Super Metroid, Castlevania games etc which is a super rare achievement these days where 99% developers create games just for profit and it always shows in quality. This game was crafted to make an amazing game and they 100% succeeded. In no point of the game is there a feeling that the developers have been lazy or anything. The atmosphere, the story, characters, weapons, enemies, the different areas in the game are all very well done and look great. I also like the fact that they didn´t go the classic "pixel art" way in this game, but made it better looking.
Character progression is also well done and different perks really make a difference and allow for different play styles.
There is one thing however that could be better in my opinion and that is music. The music is not bad by all means, but in my opinion such a masterpiece should deserve an equally masterpiece soundtrack and sadly this was not there. The music that was there was fitting to the environment and all, but it was just average in my opinion. It´s not something like from super metroid, I listen to the tracks from youtube as well, because they were just so good.
Overall I´ve been enjoying every second playing this game and I strongly recommend it. Thanks for delivering such a masterpiece on such sad times for gamers where most developers are greedy and lazy.
Yayınlanma 9 Ocak 2021.
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kayıtlarda 116.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 12.5 saat)

In short, this game has taken the souls formula and made it better.

You start by creating your own character and oh boy is this character creation deep. It has so many options, you can spend hours creating your character and after you create your character, guess what, you can actually play with your character unlike in Dark Souls where after character creation you run around as a corpse.

This game is hard, but not in a frustrating way. Your character feels strong in this game. Regular enemies don´t kill you in 1 - 2 hits and you can stagger enemies just like they can stagger you, which means when you are being offensive, the enemy doesn´t just hit you through your attack animation. You also got those cool looking anime style flashy attacks that you can use so you don´t have to approach every enemy with your guard up, wait for the enemy to attack you and then counter. You can just go, attack and kill it and be off.
Bosses are as challenging as in Dark Souls, but whats better in this game is that "bon fires" are closer to boss encounters. So when you die you don´t get frustrated. You can just go back in and fight again. So basically this game doesn´t go the extra mile to piss you off, it just let´s you learn from your mistakes, practice and get better without the additional controller destruction in the middle.

This game has a story and not the kind of go figure it out yourself by reading item descriptions, but an actual story and an interesting one at that. You have a group of NPCs in the game with whom you interact and form relationships with.

The areas in this game look cool and you also have a map, so it´s so much better to navigate.

Multiplayer I haven´t tried yet, but when I play single player then I have an AI companion with me all the time, so that leads me to believe you can have a proper multiplayer game with your friend through the entire game. Not just sections where you can summon and etc.
EDIT 2019/11/27: You can´t play with your friend from start to finish without reconnecting as the system is similar to souls game in a way that it has multiplayer "checkpoints". Which means if you get to a certain milestone, usually a boss fight, then your session ends. However it´s very easy to reconnect with your friend in this game because you can basically set up a connection between you and your friend so that nobody else can join using a "password" system. I´m not going to explain this in detail, but i am gonna say that it is really easy to connect with a friend in this game.

2 handed weapons such as heavy swords and hammers feel too heavy. I was hoping that maybe in this game they swing faster, but they are as slow as they were in Dark Souls, so I don´t use them very much.

Leveling up has been simplified as in you just spend your "souls" to level up, not raising individual stat points separately and also if you die, you leave your "souls" behind that you have to collect, just like in Dark Souls.

Character customization is done by switching between different "jobs" and learning different skills from different "jobs" and combining them. "Jobs" also determine which weapons and armor you can use.
Yayınlanma 28 Eylül 2019. Son düzenlenme 27 Kasım 2019.
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kayıtlarda 105.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 26.3 saat)
It`s very simple. If you are a DBZ fan, you gonna absolutely love this game.
It does tend to crash after missions, which can be a tad bit annoying, but other than that, it´s an excellent game.
Yayınlanma 4 Ağustos 2019.
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kayıtlarda 26.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 24.0 saat)
This game is a true masterpiece, it has quality written all over it. There is tons of content, excellent music and a large selection of cool characters each with their own unique playstyle to master+all the cosmetic customization options There is just so much to this game that it´s well worth its full price. From the moment you start this game up, You know it is awesome!
Yayınlanma 26 Kasım 2018.
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kayıtlarda 12.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 12.8 saat)
This game is exactly, what I expected it to be, its different and in a good way! The environment is interesting, enemies are interesting. It´s really fun to explore what the game throws at you. Difficulty is not hard at all, I´ve seen a lot of crappy players complain about difficulty, so I don´t know if this is the outcome of a patch making the game easier or not, but overall I like the game and recommend it to anyone who wants to play something unique and different from mainstream games.
And this brings us to the negative reviews. Most of the negative ratings come from the maintsream flake gamers gamers who complain about the difficulty or level design being too hard or they complain about the graphics not being top notch.I´ve never been one to judge a game by its graphics.
Yayınlanma 2 Haziran 2018.
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9 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 120.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 88.9 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Butthole (Bluehole) presents:
Yayınlanma 31 Temmuz 2017.
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12 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 10.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 10.0 saat)
I never imagined im going to write a negative review about Turok 2. My favorite shooter game being remastered in 2017. Game for which i waited for so long, but then this game comes out and I see they went and changed the level layouts of turok 2. Like, what? how? WHY? Who does that? Its not Turok 2 remastered, its Turok 2 simplified. Its the Turok 2 simplified vision of the devs and that kills the game for me. The game overall feels easier aswell, like the tek bow does a lot more damage then it did in the original or should i say the tek bow always kills with one hit in this game unlike in Turok 2 (original, real turok 2 game) You actually had to shoot at enemy weak spot. Then there is the speed of the character? Its a small thing, but again, why? Whats going on with this remake, remaster or whatever it is or wants to be??? And one more thing that bugged me was when i have N64 music selected and the intro cutscene of "flesh portal" plays, it isn t using the n64 music instead it uses the pc versions music. Overall just so much that made turok 2 what it was, is gone here.
And yes there are many positive things going on for this game aswell, but most of the 400 positive reviews talk about those things, so go and get that information from there. I just wanted to point out that this games level layots have been butchered and it isn t the Turok 2 old fans remember!
So overall if You´re the kinda guy who thinks Turok 2 had overcomplicated levels and wanna play an easier version of the game, go for it, but if you want an authentic experience, You liked Turok 2 for what it was, this is not the game to buy
Yayınlanma 25 Mart 2017. Son düzenlenme 25 Mart 2017.
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