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Indsendt: 22. feb. 2014 kl. 16:36

Honestly this game is bad, I played 2 games and whilst i had some fun and some aspects like the vechiles or large gun selection but ALL that is meaningless when the game has HUGE holes.
Visually this game has loads to love and they have added a lot of content but the weapons don't feel good and animations aren't smooth, try standing still and you will see the raptors slowlly go for a munch when they stand infront of you and then all that happens is the screen gets a little red.
Compare that to a game like COD or maybe a good COOP survival like Killing Floor, the gun sounds in those games feel meaty and powerful and when someone sttacks you the whole animation flows, people don't stop moving and then move one arm with a knife whilst the rest of their body stays perfectly still, that is what the dinosaurs do. When you take damage in COD the screen would shake, you would hear grunts and a quick splash of red on the screen in the form of blood would appear. this is why this game feels so dull to me, no wieght to actions.
Also mechanicly its dull, with dino's that just run at you and then a couple tanky ones where is the strategic puzzle? I dont know, it just seems to be shooting or driving.
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