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Cities: Skylines

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Advert LED small
Collection by Elias
A collection of all my small size Billboards. THE BILLBOARDS ARE IN THE RIGHT TAB! --> AT THE END OF THE LIST WHERE ALL THE SMALL SIZE VANILLA-BILLBOARDS ARE AS WELL! The size is 40% of the big Billboard by GCVos , who created the template with tutorial, s
Advert LED medium
Collection by Elias
A collection of all my medium size Billboards. THE BILLBOARDS ARE IN THE RIGHT TAB! --> AT THE END OF THE LIST WHERE ALL THE MEDIUM SIZE VANILLA-BILLBOARDS ARE AS WELL! The size is 60% of the big Billboard by GCVos , who created the template with tutorial,
Advert LED big
Collection by Elias
A collection of all my big Billboards. THE BILLBOARDS ARE IN THE RIGHT TAB! --> AT THE END OF THE LIST WHERE ALL THE BIG VANILLA-BILLBOARDS ARE AS WELL! The size is as intended by GCVos , who created a template with tutorial, so 3d-Software-Noobs like me c
Roundabout Decoration / Kreisel Dekorationen
Collection by Elias
ENGLISH: I created a whole bunch of different-sized circular-shaped Parks, that can be plopped into the middle of roundabouts (and mustn't be attached to the road). They come along without the road, which gives you a greater variety of possibilities to pla
Parking Lot Set with ingame thumbnail & nice background picture
Collection by Elias
This is a set of 6 parking lots completely without any decoration, but with ingame thumbnail and nice background picture.
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