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Recent reviews by Artorian

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14.8 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
This game is THE example of a relaxing game. Float around, cut a ship apart and play around with physics in space. The dynamic cutting system in this game is innovative and fun to use.
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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319 people found this review helpful
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9.3 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
I played Superliminal in a really rough part of my life, I felt lost and out of control, it felt like nothing I did ever worked and that I was being funneled down a road I really didn't want to take. While I played Superliminal I struggled, I raged, I tried to give up... yet something kept pulling me in. Something kept me from giving up on this game I bought on sale for like, $3.00. It felt like every puzzle I got through I kept getting more and more lost, a feeling that I was oh so very acquainted with already, and yet, it was a very small aspect that although lost, I knew I had the ability to figure it out, to right it, to conquer it.

As I played, Dr. Pierce seemed to be fighting so hard to help me, to find me, to guide me... and then I got to the end, that feeling of small victory, and then the message of the game hit me.

It resonated with me so much, at that point in my life, that I cried. I sat in my chair and bawled my eyes out, knowing that somehow it really was as simple as this fictional person said, that no matter how lost I was, I was as lost as I was willing to be. Superliminal, a game, a simple game made by a small team who simply wanted to answer the question of "what if" in game design, opened my eyes to how I could solve this feeling of loneliness and being eternally lost to my own path. This game motivated me to change careers, to find a place I love, to find a place where I not only knew how to move forward in, but could see the open door in the dark room.

I don't know who will read this, but if you do, and you are in a situation just like I was. Play this game. Take the time you need to beat it, don't fret the small things, the struggles, the challenge, you will find a way to overcome it, and you will hopefully experience the same enlightenment I did.
Posted 21 November, 2021.
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4 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
Steam says "Online Multiplayer", Now I saw this and I thought "HOLY CRAP, DMC with multiplayer! yes please". This is not multiplayer. This is a cameo system, there is a chance that you will see another devil hunter fighting in the distance and the game will say "Starring [Insert name Here]". That is the entirety of the "multiplayer" system. If you are buying this for the multiplayer, don't. If you are buying this for another DmC game, do it. This brought back the feel from DmC: 1-4 that DmC: Devil May Cry took away. It feels and looks great.
Posted 8 March, 2019.
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