
Последние обзоры isaiah1516

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41–50 из 71
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1.7 ч. всего (0.1 ч. в момент написания)
With the grace of a swan, the wisdom of an owl, and the eye of an eagle; ladies and gentlemen this game is for the birds!
Опубликовано 16 сентября 2021 г..
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13.9 ч. всего
Nintendo has Mario, Sony has Ratchet and Clank, and now Microsoft has Psychonauts! I hope that they continue to support this series. This game feels like Tim Burton made a 3D platformer and I love it!
Опубликовано 27 июля 2021 г..
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51.4 ч. всего (22.4 ч. в момент написания)
Resident Evil Milkers has quickly become one of my favorite RE titles. It feels like a mix of Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 4. The story was incredible and even after my second play-through, there's still plenty of content to uncover. Easily worth full price for the Dommy Mommy.
Опубликовано 10 мая 2021 г..
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1.2 ч. всего
Only time I've felt sad unlocking achievements. Can't wait for the game to come out!
Опубликовано 3 мая 2021 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
0.2 ч. всего (0.1 ч. в момент написания)
Always under maintenance. Never got to try it out.
Опубликовано 11 апреля 2021 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
11.0 ч. всего (2.8 ч. в момент написания)
Cannot play the game at all. Their servers crashed and I haven't been able to play for hours and it's launch day.
Опубликовано 1 апреля 2021 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 78
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 28
0.0 ч. всего
I call her the devil
Cause she makes me wanna sin
And every time she knocks
I can't help but let her in.
Опубликовано 28 марта 2021 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 5
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0.0 ч. всего
When leveling up and first getting into the game, this isn't really worth it. Once you're a higher level and a lot more invested into the game then this is absolutely worth the money. You get quite a bit of free stuff for your membership and the $15 worth of Atoms is nice too. After completing all of the main story content and a lot of the side content, I found myself wanting to spend more time customizing my camp and that monthly fee gets me to buy the cosmetic items I normally wouldn't. This item doesn't feel required to play and enjoy the game, but it is a nice thing to have and once I slow down in playing I can just cancel the subscription.
Опубликовано 3 января 2021 г..
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42.9 ч. всего (8.0 ч. в момент написания)
But can it run Cyberpunk 2077?
Опубликовано 16 декабря 2020 г..
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392.2 ч. всего (51.2 ч. в момент написания)
Fallout 76 is finally the game I paid for.
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2020 г..
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41–50 из 71