babybananapeel 7 de fev. às 6:36 
signed by babybananapeel(1), love you joffler lets have kids soon. :steammocking:
Sporsic 19 dez. 2019 às 22:03 
>212.0 hours past 2 weeks

Get a life, nerd.
Sporsic 1 dez. 2017 às 23:26 
ur mum gey
Jim /clovis/ 7 nov. 2017 às 23:19 
Ark 60$ geam :O
Joffler 15 set. 2017 às 20:04 
autist spam is a crime
long chin man 14 set. 2017 às 21:04 
studies show that players affiliated with "♥♥♥" gradually become worse at the game the longer they are in the group
Jim /clovis/ 14 set. 2017 às 20:17 
- rep cant play battle properly
Jim /clovis/ 14 set. 2017 às 20:16 
+ rep goes from noob cant block, insulted by yedjello, to become one of the better duelist out there
Jim /clovis/ 14 set. 2017 às 20:15 
+ rep when i just started playing Warband he's already up top in all deathmatch games
Farkin 9 set. 2017 às 4:24 
╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝
╚═(███)═╝ WOW! You encountered a wild Lennipide! Only great people and friends see this
.╚═(███)═╝ rare creature! If you know a great friend, send this lennipede to them; It is a
..╚═(███)═╝ sign of great fortune and luck!
long chin man 7 set. 2017 às 6:47 
7 years and 1.5k hours but still ♥♥♥♥ at mnb
Jim /clovis/ 2 set. 2017 às 0:25 
+rep noob-er than me