
VanBrynn の最近のレビュー

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34件中 1-10 を表示
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You're Stella, raised on the Zephyr, a spaceship with the long-time mission to bring human life to an alternate Earth. The society on the ship initially seems well organized and guided, but soon you realize that not everyone on the ship might be happy with the fate of being an in-between generation without any free will regarding important life choices. As the Chief of Security you are soon confronted with intrigues, conspiracies and betrayal. Just as in Lacuna you have to read carefully and be observant - and of course again your choices matter and affect the outcome of the game. Another excellent crime story by DigiTales Interactive!
投稿日 5月23日. 最終更新日 5月23日
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A long time desired, probably a million times wishlisted and highly anticipated Triple-A title that managed to obtain a "very postive" in the reviews from day one until eight weeks after release. Didn't think that day would come.
投稿日 2023年3月28日.
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Does this game need another positive review? Surely not, but I decided keeping my opinion (that this title is absolutely adorable) a secret, just because about 1300 people already gave this gem a thumb up, is not an option;-).
Lost in Play is a wonderful homage to childhood itself! It has the power to it rip you out of a grey daily routine and transport you back to the world of a child: to a world and time where you could be amazed by everything because you where still able to see the magic behind the things in everyday life. It will take you to a place full of phantasy where peculiar creatures lurk around every corner and with every step you stumble upon new adventures and challenges in form of decent and diversified puzzles.
Especially enjoyable for me where the references to the "Neverending Story". Beautiful work!
投稿日 2022年12月14日. 最終更新日 2022年12月16日
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Lucy dreaming is a wonderful oldschool point and click adventure! Despite the fact that Lucy's family, her sadistic brother just as well as her mother having fishing and hunting trophies spread all over the house, are a vegan's worst nightmare I really enjoyed the humor. Thankfully Curly with his fox/dog Betty restored me faith in Figgington's inhabitants;) The puzzles really kept me busy: I was given a review copy about a week before release and my first playthrough time was about 14 hours. And since decades I have not experienced this "damn, I'm stuck, I really don't know how to go on, I'll go to sleep". And on the next day, having slept one night over the problem and returning to the pc after work I usually just stumbled over a very logical solution for this on the day before unsolvable problem.
After my first playthrough I got 3 of 14 achievements (2 batches and "the end" achievement for beating the game), so there is room for more searching!
Altogether it's a lovely, edgy and bizarre adventure with lots of great eastereggs that had me captured not least because it was an instant warp back to the my first experiences with that genre.
投稿日 2022年10月18日. 最終更新日 2022年10月18日
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Enjoy and survive your nightshift at the Dark Moon Motel, a very special hotel cause even witches, werewolves, vampires and alien life forms need a place to check in and rest a night! A little indie surprise that kept me well entertained with the correct mix of weirdness, story and puzzles. Thumb up!
投稿日 2022年10月11日. 最終更新日 2022年10月11日
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The Excavation of Hob's Barrow is an excellent point and click adventure with a captivating story and lovable characters. As the daughter of a former archeologist now working on your own essay about the burial mounds of England you - Thomasina Bateman - are being invited to the village of Bewlay to examine and excavate a local landmark: Hob's Barrow. Permanently being somewhere between the well liked but just as often unpleasant intruder you maneuver yourself through the inhabitants, the market place and the "Plough and Furrows"- the local inn of the town of Bewlay. As metioned in former reviewes the voice acting is so extremely well done that even the oddest character can become likeable during the time you spend/talk with them (Yeah, I'm having old Cyril in me mind writing those lines!).
Since I played the demo in the first place I had the game on my wishlist. And I honestly don't care if Cloak and Dagger's next game will be a sequel with the main character Thomasia Bateman or her little brother Adam, or if those developers will come up with a completely different and new story...I am definitely looking forward to whatever may come!
投稿日 2022年9月30日.
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This is probably the most personal review I've ever written. We all know this game with its puzzles and mechanics is a masterpiece - but there is far more to it imo! Last year I cooped the game with a guy I had in my steam friends list for about 6 years. The coop was so nice and entertaining that we decided to meet in RL. And it turned out that RL teamwork was just as awesome as our in-game coop. For half a year we've been a couple now and we will be moving together soon. So, if anyone ever tries to tell you steam is not a dating platform (wether you want to hear that or not) - in this case it was. Best dating game I ever played! Thanks for the awesome job Valve!
投稿日 2022年2月13日.
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総プレイ時間:53.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:49.2時間)
Hell yeah! For Karl! Skål!
投稿日 2021年12月1日.
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Hadn't heard anything about that game, didn't expect anything from it - and was overwhelmed! Great storytelling, visuals, voice acting and quite entertaining philosophical dialogues where choices really matter! Surely a game to spend your coin on!
投稿日 2021年12月1日.
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I really enjoyed this political thriller: an intergalactic crime story featuring well elaborated content, intelligent and comprehensible. Your quest: read, understand, draw conclusions and and make the right decisions! All of that implemented in beautiful visuals made perfect by an unintrusive, comfortable, well-fitting soundtrack. Good work!
投稿日 2021年5月24日.
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34件中 1-10 を表示