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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3.6 hrs on record
Posted: 18 Mar @ 3:26pm

Despite all the drawbacks, I was going to be leaving a positive review... until it broke my PC. Twice.

This is really not what I planned to write in my review.
This game, despite it's bugs and design flaws really has some great qualities, and an amazing story...
But I simply can't give a positive review to a game that broke my PC. Twice

The original review I was going to leave:
I would categorize this game as: an atmospheric walking simulator

You start in a weird world/parallel universe, and gradually discover it's history and backstory through clues in your environment, and notes you find

The musical score is well timed, and perfectly fits the mood.

The world around you is huge, and weird, and amazing, and strange

Although this doesn't mean the graphics are amazing.
They're pretty good.
But far from an AAA game graphics.

The annoying part of the game - is the game-breaking bugs (obviously).
Which appear in the game even if you don't do anything special, and just play the game as it's intended to be played.
For example: You can't load a game if "Head Bob" is enabled in the settings.

There are also pseudo-bugs: Like the fact the game "freezes" every time you find a microphone.
But in fact it's just waiting for your input (to roll the mouse wheel).
But unfortunately it's not properly explained - so can lead to a lot of frustration, reloading, and people thinking it's a bug.

The second most annoying part of the game (after the bugs) is the walking speed. It's slow. Very.
And "running" only marginally improves it.
However this "bug" is actually a feature.
The game is a slow walking simulator.
There isn't much to do in the game except that. There is no action. There are no puzzles. There are no choices to be made.
You walk. You watch the environment around you. And you read the notes you find.
That's pretty much it.

If you could simply run through the game - there would be not much game left...

The redeeming quality of this game - is the story and the atmosphere.
The story is very original, and really draws you in (especially if you are like me, and love alternative history)
And the atmosphere the game builds around the story is great as well.
You're not told anything point blank, or have endless walls of texts to read.
You're told very little, and need to piece together what happened from the very few notes, items and clues you find through your travels.
And simply by observing the world around you.
If you are able to overcome the bugs and design flaws of the game - there is a real gem hiding inside it...
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single 3 Apr @ 10:58am 
test a third time