Texas, United States
(A box!)
Favorite Game
Hours played
Seejam 20 May @ 10:04am 
5/20/2024 is the current date btw
NavyAlways ラムネ 29 Mar @ 4:15pm 
MariAquila 16 Feb @ 6:30pm 
Do you seriously spend over 40 hours (not minutes) a week playing video games? Can't tell if you're joking. If not then... wow. The only game I could play for 40 hours is nfl 18 and that's because I enjoy kicking other people's asses (I have a natural instinct for strategy games and high-level thinking). But I can't because I'm an adult unlike y'all I presume. Damn high school was fun :/ minus the detentions for picking on the nerds, haha.
Seejam 31 Jan @ 2:52am 
Barns and Nobles reader
UhhBridget 30 Jun, 2023 @ 8:29pm 
Crispymans 6 Apr, 2023 @ 8:56pm 
*finger down*