i forgot my real name   Florida, United States
lol my city was Milton but it is not displayed in the selection lol.
-> fan of Eragon
-> fan of kicking ass on CS:S
-> BIG fan of EVE online and suggest more people should play that game
->writes books, soon to be published
**UJS**<{^^Mzx4206969^^}> 29 listopada 2011 o 8:47 
nm man, about to now add a EVE Online group to my groups....
Taterwave 20 kwietnia 2011 o 20:03 
hey man, whats up to?
**UJS**<{^^Mzx4206969^^}> 27 grudnia 2010 o 17:03 
my wall is empty :( i feel so misused and underappreciated for the things i have not done :( lmao
**UJS**<{^^Mzx4206969^^}> 9 maja 2010 o 18:27 
Here is my eve online forums for a variety of topics
and my website (still under construction)