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Publicada: 24 ago. 2019 às 22:36
Atualizada: 25 ago. 2019 às 19:18

(Some of what I mentioned here no longer applies due to being patched for Steam.)
Full Preliminary Review[docs.google.com]

Full Post-Game Review[docs.google.com]

Knights of the Chalice (KotC) is a party-based turn-based OGL 3.5-based (making it a sorta D&D 3.5-based) RPG. After languishing in obscurity on its author's website for about a decade, the author finally ported it to Steam and patched certain things! (Some of them were handy, like being able to pick a feat and its prereq at the same character level then swap out the prereq feat to no ill effect.)

KotC is primarily a tactical combat game. It's difficult, but fair. Imagine a D&D version of Final Fantasy Tactics, but with fewer choices and a mostly absent or nonsensical story.

I recommend this game on these bases:
-I like D&D 3.5.
-I want to support the game's author and the sequel in development.
-I enjoy tactical combat challenges.

If these points appeal too little to you, reverse my recommendation. Otherwise, keep that thumbs up and enjoy the tactical challenges!
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