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投稿日: 2023年12月28日 16時02分

SUCH a good game. It has a story that combines fate, destiny and cosmic-level magics with lovable characters and small-scale, moving and relatable interactions. It forces you to make hard choices, lets you do and experience incredible things and allows you interesting choices while maintaining a main character with well-defined personality and relationships. The music is phenomenal, the art enchanting, the ending (at least the one I got) kicks ass.

My only gripe at first was with the main mechanic - making divination cards and conducting divinations. For quite some time, I was unsure of some of the mechanics and specifics behind it and was worrying about playing that part of the game "correctly". Having finished the game, I can only tell you this: that was an unfounded worry. Choose what you want to choose, what you feel is right, and don't be like me, worrying about whether the reading is "right". You'll thank me later.
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