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Reseñas recientes de commander shepard

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81.2 h registradas (67.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
the scariest game ive played?

this game i can say took me by surprise totally diffrent experience from aliens colonial marines which came out last year
alien isolation pits you in a stealth/horror game jampacked with scares surprises and moments of oh my god
you take control of amanda ripley in search of her mother to discover the fate of the nostromo
the most interesting thing here is this game is done from the makers of the epic total war series and dayum they have delivered here

the main threat consists of a single alien now while that dosent seem threatning
believe me its terryfying it will hunt you stalk you lay in wait the smartest ai ive seen in a horror game for some time
found myself holding my breath as i hid in a vent only for it to climb inside lol
many encounters with this alien makes for such panic inducing frights
your also encoutner a mix of diffrent enemies such as human enemies who are trying to survive( and often dont survive long lol)
and the androids from the films which dont have any human skin and makes them look like a creepy mannequin ( too creepy for words lol)

being as sound plays a vital part in this game gameplay does put your stealth skills to the test
along side generally sneaking you have ability to craft smoke bombs flashbangs noisemakers all sorts of neat gagdets to give you that edge
now you do get weapons including a flamethrower ( which is only gun to scare off the alien lol)
however fire one shot and the alien will be on you quicker than you can say eat me :P

being from the total war dev the visuals are mindblowing the atmosphere is eerie and look keeps with the orignal movies retro 80s feel of technology
the story is well done the characters you feel a connection with
and anyone whos played aliens colonial marines will be happy to hear theres no oneil lol

overall this is not only the scariest game ive played in a long time
its the best aliens experience ive ever had so good in fact ive gone back and watched the movies again lol
its funny it took a strategy war game developer to make the perfect aliens experience
but they nailed it
totally recommend this one :D
Publicada el 30 de noviembre de 2014.
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114.4 h registradas (83.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
this cud very well be my choice for game of the year i must say

im reliatvly new to the tomb raider franchise
being that ive only played underworld and anniversary which r both great adventure games :D

this new tomb raider tells the story of where it all began
on laras first adventure

what can i say lol i was blown away just minutes in i was stunned how well done this game is visuals r beautifull never seen anything like it
the gameplay is also very smooth and mixing exploration with action and the envirmoment looks massive and feels huge ur absorbed totally u rly feel like ur i na adventure

while u need a beefy computer but i expect performance patchs to fix any lagging soon
on high settings the graphics will blow u away
gameplay elements fit so well stealth combat exploration its just so well implemented
u can even upgrade weapons and skills giving that rpg touch which i thought was a rly nice touch

the story is top notch it will grip you and u will come across documents and other clues that unravel the mystery of yamatai island
and there is tons of secrets hidden places relics to find :)

there is a multiplayer too like team deathmatch stuff and other modes which is a nice change to the series so u can enjoy the game with friends :D

overall i was blown away how good tomb raider is there is not one bad thing to say rly

to my mind this is probally the best adventure game i have ever played
i highly recommend it even if u havent played a tomb raider game
if u like adventure you will love tomb raider :)

i rate this 10 out of 10 perfection :)))
Publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2013.
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19.0 h registradas (2.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
one of the finest zombie shooters ever made? id say so :D

sniper elite nazi zombie army 2 is a direct sequel from the original
a horror themed spin off of the awsome sniper elite series

everything feels very similar to number 1 but throws in some new enviroments and new enemies
and the whole look is quite diffrent gives a hellish nightmare feel
giving a overall some rly nice eye candy :D

the x ray kill cam is one of the most unique thing in the series like from sniper elite v2
the kill cam follows the path of ur bullet showing u every gross detail even to the point seeing it puncture a lung or snap a collar bone lol

the game is highly accessible with it being able to co op with up to 4 players through its hellish campiagn as you and your friends fight for your very survival or if your a badass u can try it solo lol

as zombie shooters go this is diffrent from the norm but it works it creates immersion esp when ur corned low on ammo with a horde approaching lol
and it drops u in a blood soaked zombie filled adventure with nasty surprises round every corner
this is why nazi zombie army series for me is a left 4 dead beater

its unique fresh and exciting
commander shepard highly recommends it:D
Publicada el 28 de noviembre de 2013.
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