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Neue Rezensionen von Ayano Ayumu

Ergebnisse 1–5 von 5
1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
5.8 Std. insgesamt
Fantastic game. Like the Stanley Parable mashed with a Hack & Slash. I love it. Btw, try to get all the acheivements, there will be more story waiting for you ;)
Verfasst am 21. Oktober 2017.
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6.7 Std. insgesamt
amazing. play it blind. simply amazing.
Verfasst am 14. Oktober 2017.
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0.0 Std. insgesamt
Amazing game! the community can be toxic at times but this game mode is absolutely FANTASTIC, the guns are just frustrating enough to make you want to improve your meelee to godly levels

Verfasst am 5. Oktober 2015.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
6.8 Std. insgesamt (6.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
the game has a lot of potential! I highly reccomend it, but be warned, in the state it is in, there are many bugs. I am confident these bugs will be worked out though!
Verfasst am 5. Februar 2015.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
1,126.9 Std. insgesamt (258.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I absolutely love this game! it excells in both singleplayer and multiplayer
Verfasst am 2. Oktober 2014.
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Ergebnisse 1–5 von 5