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投稿日: 2019年10月5日 7時31分
更新日: 2022年6月11日 6時47分

ok as someone who played for more then 2000h ill say that
destiny is not a good game
it's too late for me I'm already addicted, and if you a new player then don't waste your time on it, you missed too much weapons/storey/lore.

the problems with destiny in my eyes
- open world: the open world is meaningless, the enemies will die in one hit the areas looks nice but serve no real purpose and you will not find yourself going back there once you did all the quest but bungie will try to send you there again and again for no real reason other then waste your time and spread the players around the world to not make it feel empty

- pve/strikes: dont even go there.
if you thought the open world was easy then the strikes will feel like you and 2 more peoples fighting a 10-year-old with one hand tied behind their back.
this will just be a rush to the boss room because everything will die just by you looking at them plus the boss itself.
there is nightfall/grandmaster but for some unknown reason other than Bungie is too lazy to change its one mission for a whole week
it got no logic behind it other than give you more "rewords".
and on top off it all these mods are party locked meaning if you dont have a party or are willing to waste a whole day to solo it then you cant do them.
i dont get why not just combine all of these mods into one and just have a strike with increased difficulty.

-pvp: the pvp of the game is broken with one type of weapon control everything(from destiny tracker from the top 10 pvp weapons 4 of them are hand cannons while 3 are in the top 5 as well)
while on the other hand other weapons are pretty much useless and you will never see them(handguns for example).
the main 3 pvp mods are control and Competitive pvp and Competitive pvp.
ones in a while you will have iron banner(they started to change with bad first start)

-gambit: is an example of Bungie not willing to admit they were wrong and your realization that if something is just not working in the game Bungie will rather waste time giving it small changes other then admit they were wrong and remove it, until one day they will make it and everyone will say see it only took them years to fix it.
they removed maps from the game
they removed mods from the game
they even pushed it as one of the main activites in the game while everyone sid that this game is not fun
power weapons(rpg) rule the game.

story: if you want to play the game for the story then dont bother
the story in the game is out of your hands at this point
Bungie saw they wasted too much space and their solution was to delete all the quests in the game.
if you are into the lore then you are too late, you will do quests for char you don't know and you will talk about events you never experienced
, and it's not like any other game where you could maybe download the last game and play it to see whats going on.
its too late! they deleted them and it's not coming back, you will need to go to youtube to see the lore and other players playeing the missions they took out.

-weapons: this game weapons are an example of skins over feels
all weapons(exception of a small few unique ones) are the same only with a different reload/shooting speed.
if you will take all the auto rifles in the game will see that they all have the same looks and animations
the same with scouts, sidearms and every weapon type in the game
you don't have a shotgun with a magazine box(other than exotic)
you do not have a scout or pulse rifle that is not a bullpup other than a small few d1 weapons.
it would not be a problem if we didn't have 1000 weapons that are just a reskins.
we got 68 auto rifles that are all the same and out of them 7 are with a magazine on the top and of these 7 you got 6 who are one-to-one reskin with a different color.
on top of it if you could still get the old year 1 weapons you will notice you could change the scope on the weapons(a small number of cool changes we could make that are not color changes) but from around year 2 Bungie changed it to barrel meaning you can't change anything on your weapons other then color or premade skins that they push on you)

-armors: at this point of the game the armors are the best thing in the game but if you a new player you will not be able to get alot of old armors because of their vaulting of half the game to save space.

vault: Bungie deleted a lot of the game to save space(weapons/armors/maps/quests/raids) they said they will do a roll and take out stuff from the vault to put it back in the game but as it stands they vaulted everything like 2 years ago and we got like a few PVP maps back and as time goes on they just added new stuff and took the old away
a lot of raids armor and weapons and gone and I feel we won't get them back
if you will take a look a the collection menu you will see a lot of weapons/armors with the same name and looks and this is because Bungie will rather just bring back weapons they vaulted as an easy fix for the problems they created.
gambit is still missing maps with nothing added to it but they sure work hard to make it "fun"
strikes are just boring at this point soo I don't care
PVP maps were the weirdest ones
for a whole year or more they just removed maps and didn't bring anything until the last 2 seasons where they added a maybe 3 maps

-FOMO: that is a big one and what mainly pissed me off the most.
the game went from a collection and power fuel fantasy to a purely play now or lose it type of game
raids/weapons/armors and everything in the game is and will be taken out of the game and a lot of them are not coming back
every season you missed is 2 armor sets that are gone
1 set for good and for the other one you will need to be lucky with 1 armor vendor selling 1 armor set every week.
on top of it you go around 5 season weapons that are gone as well and are not coming back other than yet again another vendor that change every week.
so ye if you are a collector then you got no point to play this game right now because you have a lot of weapons and armor that you will never get to collect on top of it the same with lore lovers.
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