
Последние обзоры PaffaLon™

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I'll have to say that, I love the art style. The game's music, combined with its controls offers a very relaxed gaming experience. One of my favourite things to do in Masteroid is going into combat. And watching the colours from the weapons illuminate the void. Otherwise, if you do not feel for blowing up space ships with your awesome weapons. You can do missions or mine asteroids. So is there potential for the game? Yes, I believe there is plenty of room for Masteroid to grow.
Опубликовано 1 марта 2020 г..
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1.6 ч. всего (0.8 ч. в момент написания)
Galaxy Reavers, good or bad game?

The game is very entertaining to play and fun for a couple of hours. The game have two currencies, a primary and secondary currency. The main currency is gold, gold is the ingame standard currency you can purchase new ships and items with. The secondary currency is Khorium, this is the real money currency, this currency seems to have no role in the PC version though you are collection it through emissions..

So way two currencies, well first i played this game on my phone and in the phone version you can purchase ships and items for khorium as well gold. You can still collect Khorium playing the game and watching advertisement or buy lots of it for a not too pricey price.

So yes there is two version of the game.

Personally i say Galaxy Reavers is more suited for an mobile or tablet then the pc because the resolution and the GUI scale. But the game is much, much cheaper here on steam.

Purchaings the game on steam with DLCs is like purhcaings the ingame items on the mobile or tablet version but sheaper.

I like this game, it's fun to play and have good atmosphere around is. But at the current stage of the game i can't say i can
recomend this game, especialy if you have more copies if the game. ;)
Опубликовано 19 апреля 2017 г..
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