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Análises recentes de John the Gamer

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0.6 horas registradas
To be honest, I prefer DF 2021 (version 47.05).
I like my DF to be in ASCII, and I have spend too much time since 2014 learning the shortcuts to suddenly relearn a new system.

But anyone looking for a DF experience that's a little friendlier; this is totally worth the money.
Publicada em 4 de outubro de 2023.
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56.7 horas registradas (3.4 horas no momento da análise)
Fun. You don't need a joystick to play, keyboard works fine. I would advice against using the mouse, it is way too over-reactive.

The game gives a great sense of speed. You actually feel like you are going 400-800 kmph.

It is not a very long game though. I raced through all the main races in three hours (1st place every time). I only have the four bonus races left to win. I only used Anakin. Now I still have to redo all the races with every other racer.

Overal a great game, also because I played it back when it first came out. This version works well without bugs on a windows 10 PC (Ryzen 5950x). It does not handle ALT-TAB very well though.

Great fun, would recommend.
Publicada em 17 de fevereiro de 2022. Última edição em 18 de fevereiro de 2022.
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19.5 horas registradas
The way this game has been designed just drains the fun out for me.

You want to play the campaign, do the missions and make choices that impact the world, but instead you're forced onto some bastardized open-world/railroad combination.

You are forced to take the side of uninteresting rebels with unclear motivations and backstories, and cannot choose the side of the 'bad guys'. The main story missions are spread across the map in small bites, but it is unclear in what order you should take them or what impact they have on the world. Worse still is that the main character acts like a fool in the cutscenes, just getting himself dragged along in the schemes and plots of crazy people instead of either running away or killing them all. ANY alternative to 'just going along with it' would be better.

Even more so than in the previous far cry games, it makes me feel like I'm playing some sort of MMO, wherein I am the only one actually doing things, but none of the things I do actually make a big impact.

If you want a fun game, don't buy this. It's boring, frustrating and limited. I would say that far cry 3 was slightly better, though it suffered from many of the same problems.
Publicada em 10 de março de 2018.
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