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277.2 изиграни часа (210.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Edit: Hey folks, I did this review at 4 hours and maybe 10 total, now I am at 210. First off now that I am older and do not play games as much this is the only game besides TW Warhammer 1/2 that I have played more than 200 hours.
Second thing is I was mostly right about what I said regarding pay to win. I will amend it somewhat, there is a large group of people that due to spending money are able to get the complete set of each new series within a short time and those players suck to play. The one good thing is if they are worth anything skill wise then they go mythic and you wont see them unless you do too.

Im pretty broke honestly so without spending more than 20ish a season (about a month) I have made it to tier 1 of Platinum, which is one ranking behind the highest, mythic. But I run into decks stacked with Legendary cards and find it hard to advance. So yes there is a bit of play to win, but my other statement is stil true. this game gives you the ability to play Magic the Gathering for free and if you play enough and are good you can win more than half of your games and have a ton of fun. Get this game if you want to play Magic.

I am only 4 hours in but I did play double that on my phone first. I do not have many complaints, its possible that matchmaking is a bit off on PC, but I havent played enough to say yet.

As far as it being P2W let me say two things. First off is I have only spent $20, buying two stater packs that give a great value. With those two packs and grinding out some more packs I have done quite well. With not playing the game since highschool, and even then just a couple times using other decks, I am now Platinum ranked. I found a great deck combo and have tweaked it when I start to lose too much. I actually find some of the high end cards to be overrated. So you can do okay with spending a lot of money.

Now can you win the higher end events without money? probably not, although I have only been playing for about 10 days so maybe you can. That leads to my second point.

Being a strategic card game of course there is going to be an element of pay to win. You need skill no doubt, but even a subpar player could beat a good one with a superior deck, and how do you get a superior deck? By opening packs. Do you get enough packs just from regular bonuses and such? Without getting a Mastery pass probably not, but if you can spend at least the $5, but another 20-40, you will be good to go for at least a season, I dont know how it goes during a season change.

All in all this game allows you to play real Magic without having to spend hundreds of dollars on real packs in real life. Its their real thing, its fun and it looks good. Could there be more rewards for good free players, probably, but not enough to make me stop playing.

One thing you will notice is many of the players giving this game a down vote still play and have hundreds of hours. That says more then their review imo.
Публикувана 11 август. Последно редактирана 4 октомври.
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3.3 изиграни часа
This game achieves what it wants. As a tactical turn based combat focused game in a fantasy world it has very little against it. I would recommend this game to anyone in the market for that type of fun. I got it on sale and I'm happy I did, but if you are the type to really dig into tactical battles, then by all means get this game at full price.

I have only played into the first non-tutorial campaign so its possible there is more depth as I progress. Assuming there is not though let me make a couple suggestions. There are openings for more content to be added pretty seamlessly. First off and easiest of all I think there should be more lore. Not in your face story content just a way to examine the world or worlds we are fighting in if the player so chooses. Maybe lost scrolls or proclamations.

Next is the options you have when not fighting. You can recruit, level up your units, and resurrect dead units from the cemetery. Pretty basic stuff but again in works well for what the game is offering. I just think there is room to offer more. Maybe side quests (battles) to get upgraded weapons or even units. Then be able to hire a smithy or armorer. This stuff can so easily just seem like added on bloat, but make it so its not that.

Do some of that or something else and this could easily turn into a 15-20 game. As is though it is worth it and it is fun. Cheers
Публикувана 30 март.
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3.0 изиграни часа
I have been eyeing this game for a while but things are tight so I kept passing, I passed on everything else too thought. Then the Steam sale came and while it is well worth the $10 regular price getting it for 5 or 6 was a real bargin.

The game itself is super unique. It is a lot of fun and I can see why people talk about gambling in the arena. Besides that its full of quirky little things. At one point I had the option to to say "I got your nose" to a barbarian who is known for having a messed up nose. haha I tend to play my early play throughs in these types of game seriously so I didnt do it.

All in all this game is a ton of fun and like nothing youve played before, so if you want something different, silly but also strategic, get it. If money isnt a thing wait for it to go to full price to reward the dev who might be the hardest working guy in the industry if his comments are any hint.
Публикувана 17 март.
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Разработчик е дал отзив на 22 март в 3:57 (преглед на отклика)
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49.2 изиграни часа (9.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
This is a very fun game. I will go into more detail at a later time but if you are thinking of getting this because the genre fits you should!
Публикувана 9 февруари.
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12.1 изиграни часа
When I first heard about this game I thought it was a joke, dead serious. Then I thought it was a dumb cash crab, then I bought it. While it is funny it is not a joke and it is not even close to a cash grab. Coming in at $5 the game is a great value.

The animations are awesome, watch as your Brotato actually carries all of the weapons and upgrades he has. The game is very challenging and with all of the different builds its also tactical. If you like bullet hell buy this game 100%. If you just want something relaxing and fun that is hard to beat then this is as good as any other option.
Публикувана 27 януари.
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53.0 изиграни часа (15.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Plain and simple this is a very good game. If you want the traditional rogue experience in a dungeon that you traverse by levels, but want something more modern than the classics, you cannot go wrong with this game. The race and class system is interesting and versatile. It is not profound in the amount of combos but there are plenty. Its the type of game where after you die you are thinking of what build will help you conquer the challenge you just had.

In this dungeon the enemies are living their lives separate of the player, which really helps with immersion. Where most traditional crawlers like DCSS put you in the dungeon and say go fight to get lower, you are supposed to do it just just for the joy of it. It works too and that is why we love these games, but Zorbus takes it a bit farther.

They say here are some subtle hints, a few books and some wise cracking quips from the people trying to kill you. Now go try to attain Godhood!

I just got into seeking out rogues even though I had played some in the past. I dont think this game breaks any ground or does anything new. But in this genre that is not what many players are looking for. If you are on Steam and not playing free versions this game is also far cheaper than most others. At $7 you cant go wrong when most traditional roguelikes are $15-25.

One thing I will recommend besides the game is to read the books you find, the lore books. Im used to playing grand RPGs so having no story or not understanding my goals for fighting in this dungeon was a little strange. But once I started to read the lore books it filled in a bunch of information and I understood that I sought out the final floor of the place as to achieve godhood! Who wouldnt risk life a limb for that.

One other thing. There is a "silver spoon" skill or trait. Basically you get it as the noble or if you create your own character its an option. Its come with a +1 sword, money. magic staffs and teleport cards. For those that like to role play its a fun add on. Its also fun to start loaded up but at the expense of some of the other skills.

If you like fantasy based traditional rogues in a dungeon there is no reason NOT to get this game.
Публикувана 7 август 2023. Последно редактирана 12 март.
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8.2 изиграни часа (5.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
This is a unique and fun "bullet hell". In a fantasy setting you slay waves of monsters. It has charming graphics though not super crisp. I enjoy them though. It is slower than your vampire survivors or Brotato but in a good way. Only starting off with 3 characters but you earn more as you play. There was a big update just yesterday that added a new map and characters.

The simple question is if you want a bullet hell experience but in a fantasy world there is no reason not to buy this game. The fact it is $5 only makes that more true.

I personally believe that this game has more potential than any other I have played in the genre. I could see it having more RPG mechanics and being more like a $10 game. Thats just my thinking though, buy this game and support what seems like a great team.
Публикувана 2 август 2023.
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16.0 изиграни часа (2.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Really good and smart game. Very hard too. Only 2% of players have the win 2 games in a row achievement. That combined with the usual roguelike components makes this a top flight game.

Let me just say for those that need to get their monies worth like me. If you love a challenge and after winning a game will try new strategies to win more or also try the other content like weekly trial runs, than this game is great for its price. If you will play it until you win a few games and then put it aside for a while id suggest maybe waiting for it to go on sale.

I think the dev's unique idea deserves to be rewarded with players money, I just want to reach out to that person that struggles to get all the games we want like me.
Публикувана 31 юли 2023. Последно редактирана 4 август 2023.
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6.2 изиграни часа (4.0 часа по време на рецензията)
I really enjoy this game. With only 3 hours I would def recommend it. The core game play loop of go to dungeon to kill bad guys and get loot than go to your store and sell loot is a lot of fun. Will it get boring eventually? Maybe, but it seems to have enough areas of advancement for that not to happen, plus I do not imagine it is a super long game.

From a personal perspective though, not too long ago I was playing games like TW Warhammer 2 and Xcom. Huge games with so many mechanics and great graphics. But recently I was drawn to rougelike games due to reddit. If you would of told me I would be playing basically mobile games on PC I would of said you were crazy. I started with ToME, then went to Vampire Survivors. When I saw how fun this little game looked for only a few dollars I had to give it a try. I am happy that I did.

If things change for better or worse I will update the review but I doubt anything can happen that would make me not recommend it. Even at 3 hours for the few dollars I paid its not a bad deal. That said though Im thinking ill get over 20 hours easy. That is a steal!
Публикувана 25 юли 2023.
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27.2 изиграни часа (7.1 часа по време на рецензията)
I did not know I needed these types of games in my life. Im surprised how much I want to keep playing and trying new characters or strategies. Im a 42 year old guy who has been gaming for over 30 years and I have played this game for 7 hours in one day. I finally got to 15 minutes on a map and it was very satisfying.

This game is cheap and fun, if you want something simple, cheap with charm and some strategy get this game.
Публикувана 19 юли 2023. Последно редактирана 20 юли 2023.
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