sperminator   Seattle, Washington, United States
With the computer and stuff, the difference between a rich guy and a poor guy, to me, is nothing. Because I don't like big houses, I don't drive a car, so you know, I just live in a small apartment and I have my computer, which is really cool.

-Norm MacDonald

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Klutch 18 Jun @ 12:16pm 
Got back late from the animal clinic. I lost him. He got real sick, and I could see that he was suffering and when they saw him he was gone. Take care of your pets.. if there was even a chance that something I didn't do could've prevented this - its just killing me. I miiss you my love.
Klutch 18 Jun @ 1:50am 
I miss you Zero :(, I miss you so bad :(. My poor doggie is gone to heaven.
Klutch 26 Apr @ 6:26pm 
Die Zahl 17 Feb @ 6:53am 
Maher 1 Jan @ 2:37pm 
Hello sir i want help can u accept friend to make chat
Klutch 22 Nov, 2023 @ 8:15pm 
Join me in Torn City https://www.torn.com/3129386