Olleus 5 янв в 0:21 
Haven't touched it in 6+ years now. I went off it when I was developing my own indie game in a similar genre (done as a personal project, but far from polished enough to ever release) and never found a reason to go back. Civ6 has too much sprawl and repetition for my tastes. Will probably look at Civ7 if that's ever a thing.
J.J_2000_Kirby 4 янв в 17:06 
You're still playing civilization or you lost interest in the game entirely?
Olleus 2 дек. 2022 г. в 8:07 
Thank you, that's very nice to hear! But really, no need to thank me, I really just did it for myself in an attempt to understand the game better, sharing it was almost an after thought haha
joedoesntlikeyou 2 дек. 2022 г. в 7:55 
I just came across your Against the Storm guide. Thank you for taking the time to put it together, it is extremely helpful. I cannot find a way to add a rating for it on mobile, but I'll be rating it as soon as I can.
GodspeedYou 26 ноя. 2021 г. в 17:33 
Ah, such a shame, but that's to be expected since it's a decade old mod. I spent a while searching for mods that changed how the economy sliders work and the idea of having an "Investment" slider was exactly what I had in mind. Even if It was unfinished, part of the reason I wanted it was because I want to learn how to mod Civ 4 (but am still doing very basic XML editing) and I was hoping I could study how you implemented it and learn more, but I guess that's lost now. Thanks a lot for checking and have a great day!
Olleus 25 ноя. 2021 г. в 12:19 
Wow, people are going way back in time to look at some of my early work! I'm afraid that, as far as I can tell, the link has been dead since 2013. I've changed PCs multiple time since working on 12 years ago and it seems that the mod and any local files I had have been lost in the ether.

You can ask on the thread if anyone downloaded a copy 10 years ago and kept it, but I wouldn't hold my breath: . For the record, the mod was never finished and was never particularly stable or balanced, so you're not missing out on too much.
GodspeedYou 24 ноя. 2021 г. в 15:14 
Greetings Olleus, sorry to bother you but I was browsing Civfanatics for Civ 4 mods and saw a thread from a mod of yours from 2009 (!) called "Dynamic City Development" with a now-dead dl link. Is there any small chance you might still have it saved somewhere? It was exactly what I was searching for and no one else seems to have done quite the same thing. Thanks in advance!
Rex Bellator 9 окт. 2019 г. в 16:17 
Sorry to bother you but you really ought to get back to Civ VI, it's improved a lot with Gathering Storm. Is it perfect? Of course not, but then no Civ has ever had it's finger on perfection (I should know, I've played them all). Regardless, Civ could always use a great modder like yourself, even if you don't -love- the game your contributions make it and the community better.
bradyryan2525 5 окт. 2019 г. в 14:25 
Hey bud, could you update the civ6 mods please?
p0kiehl 16 фев. 2019 г. в 15:47 
Hey there; I'm a Civ 6 modder and I'd like to help you get that wonderful 8 Ages of Pace updated for compatibility with Gathering Storm. Are you amenable to the idea? Add me here on Steam if so.
GardenData61371 4 сен. 2018 г. в 7:50 
8 ages mod broke with R&F
incredibilis 13 июл. 2018 г. в 11:13 
update them mods!
RomanHoliday 4 июл. 2018 г. в 12:50 
pls update your civ 6 mods. Honestly the game isn't playable without them :)
texancowboy22 23 июн. 2018 г. в 15:15 
is your 8 ages mod compatible with Rise and Fall?
Tybug0rz 22 июн. 2018 г. в 11:08 
dad pls
Tybug0rz 31 мая. 2018 г. в 23:12 
pls accept sweetie
HДnk 25 дек. 2017 г. в 8:05 
toague 26 ноя. 2017 г. в 4:04 
Hi I'm glad uv replied my message, i would like help with translation yet i dont have much experience with mod making. just use the mail, send the texts that are needed to be translated and im to do the work while having time.
Guns Blazing 19 сен. 2017 г. в 13:13 
+rep makes fantastic mods :D