female   Canada
Contact me in other ways if you think a mistake has been made.

I'm getting a lot of bad trade offers. Examples include taking my last card and offer a triplicate for it. Others include set and cross set trades that do not follow what I've outlined. These are taking a lot of time for me to verify and taking time away from legitimate trade offers. I will be giving a warning in the counter offer for many of these but unfortunately repeat similar offers will lead to being blocked.

I also block members who repeatedly spam me with chat messages. I will return chat messages when I can, not when you feel that I should while I am sleeping etc.

I generally do not accept Friend Requests from private profiles, accounts below level 10 or accounts that have been banned from Steamrep.

Unfortunately, these are the trade-offs I have come to make versus not generally accepting friend requests from unknown members. Thank you for understanding and respecting them.

현재 오프라인

STM Inventory Quick Match [] no longer active

My Games List no longer active

I have hundreds of game keys for trade. Check out my Steamtrades or Barter profile link below to see my availability list. I will trade for any Steam games that I don't own for games of similar value. I prefer games that have Steam Trading Cards. All of my keys have been purchased directly by me from sources that don't resell keys. I trade to activate keys for my own account. I avoid trades with key (re)traders and accept no responsibility for any subsequent trades that are made.

10,000+ cards, 5000+ games, hundreds of sets and thousands of backgrounds/emoticons for trade

I don't sell cards for gems.

I generally don't trade non-marketable cards for marketable cards. I generally don't trade with or accept friend requests from private profiles.

Trading for sets is an easy and cost effective way to level up. You can max all levels of a game badge, the same as if you owned it, but never have to pay for the game.

I'm offering 1:1 cards (same set extras, negative trades rejected), 2:1 cards cross sets (same size), 1:1 complete sets (same size), 14 mixed cards for 1 set. Please don't make offers that significantly vary from this. I will not make more than 1 counter-offer. Trades offering less cards than the number requested from me will generally not be considered. I also don't accept trades offering me cards that I have already levelled, or trades asking for cards that I currently need and that I am not offering.

Extra in your offer is required for me to consider offers with trade holds. If you want a counter offer make sure your inventory is set to public.

I have many emoticons, backgrounds, gift games, and game keys that I don't actively trade but would consider reasonable offers.

If you have multiple game keys for a game that I do not own, I will farm cards and return them to you in exchange for the game key.
거래를 위해 내놓은 아이템
소유한 아이템
거래 횟수
장터 거래 횟수
Many cards and sets for trade. 1:1 cards (same set extras), 2:1 cards cross sets, 14 cards for 1 set, or 1:1 full sets. - low 2024년 5월 25일 오전 7시 32분 
+REP | Thanks for trading with me !!
☯ dreamer ☮ 2024년 3월 22일 오전 11시 33분 
FOX|BLOODLINE ✅ 2023년 12월 31일 오후 3시 40분 
Happy New Year !!!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀:ncubez::ncubez::ncubez: - mid 2023년 12월 27일 오후 2시 48분 
+REP | Thanks for trading with me !!
!Uzi - Medium Level Bot 2023년 12월 18일 오후 4시 51분 
+REP | Thanks for trading with me !!
Hustler Low Level UP Bot | 11.2: 2023년 12월 16일 오전 8시 58분 
+REP | Thanks for trading with me. By Hustler Level UP service :)