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2.4 h registradas
Empty and unrealistic... glad i had the chance to try it for a free weekend. Add sort of a better story, go to the range and learn something about weapons and shooting metal objects... no way to pierce and damage anything more than 3-4 mm of steel... those looks like heavy machinery 2-3 cm thick... Even AT rifles would have problems doing serious damage, let alone birdshot. Btw... for getting rifles so rusty you'd need absurd amount of humidity and time, and very bad metal quality, and zero maintenance for a decade (no kidding)

All in all... could be sort of good... but imho, it would be better to start a new project. Maybe save the engine, on my old pc still ran quite good on medium, and smooth on low.

For me, it's a don't buy.
Publicada el 8 de noviembre de 2019.
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è imbarazzante... non riesco a giocarci. nemmeno sul c64 a 6 anni mi capitavano giochi così... così... dementi?
Publicada el 30 de septiembre de 2019.
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18.0 h registradas (9.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Give this game a try.

I played DF1 like... ages ago, while it was still web based. Well it was fun. This? This looks better, smells better, feels better, and with just 1 person doing the job this is VERY well done. And it's still EA, sure, expect some minor ♥♥♥♥ here and there, but hey, it's free. Plus the updates are regular and fast. Two weeks ago there were just simple go and do mission, now we already have bosses, hordes, markets... damn, he is alone, and he did VERY GOOD on DF1. It takes time to lvl up and get good stuff (well, not really that much time) but game is simple to play and hard to survive.

Oh, btw, no pay to win or microtransaction ♥♥♥♥. You want something? Earn it. Only cosmetics (he did the same on DF1)
Publicada el 24 de septiembre de 2018.
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20.4 h registradas
Sadly, much more simplified of what i expected... 1mg, 1shotgun, 1 cannon, various bumpers, 1 for each tier (many tiers that basically adds more weapons that should be available rightaway, or at least obtainable by winning fights... interstate76... anyone?) and the ability to weld toghether pieces of metal with different sizes and strenght (basically the same) and build your vehicles... yeah... sort of. I'd had a lot to say about the lack of an actual real engine, or the ability to tune\modifiy it, or gear switching, etc. The variety of vehicles you can put togheter is basically none... change the appereance but little difference, aside from where you put the tires...

Grinding is slow, no story or quest or background... You need to pay ingame currency to be able to craft anything of any value, all of which is absurdly expensive... I would not reccomend to play this game.

Too simple, no real customization, no real challenge (mount\buy better weapons and armors and just shoot strainght, not really my idea of fun)
Publicada el 2 de agosto de 2017.
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12.0 h registradas
Hell.... not for 10€ but, yes, its unforgiving gameplay hooked me up for a while. It is a HARD game, much harder than it looks. I've warned you.
Publicada el 11 de abril de 2017.
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14.7 h registradas
Ahahahah, don't you EVER buy this, please!

Playtime was just to get cards, game sucked right from the very start.
Publicada el 10 de febrero de 2017. Última edición: 25 de agosto de 2017.
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32.7 h registradas (9.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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It's still an Early Access title, I was following it by some time and got in on xmas sales for about 6€. Let me tell you, when the game will be finished, will be well worth the 20€ they ask now.

First of all, multyplayer and even local co-op are NOT IMPLEMENTED yet, but they will come soon (i don't really think those guys will backstab us there, they got a great game in ther hands, would be foolish)

Honestly, I can't wait for MP, single player game is, well, it's good, but you play all the time wondering how it would be with firends covering, using different playstyles, like having a tank, 2 bowman and 1 gunman. Plus, building and leveling camp on your own is possible, but a bit hard and, you know, it's not nice to have a big house and live in it all by yourself all the time.

About the game, my main complaints are about difficulty to spot zombies at night and when in shadow (view is fixed half isometric, with walls and vegetation disappearing to let you see. Also, spotting objects is difficult, and the yellow glow sometimes "overlaps" with flashlight or background and it's hard to notice. Btw, items are a little too easy to come by, if u have a bit of patience exploring u can get a pretty nice stash quickly

Difficulty balance is sort of ok, was a little "meh really? just that?" at start, but hey, it was just start. Once you level your char zombies do too, and by lvl 5 you already can tell a BIG difference in zombie variety and fight difficulty.

Realism. Noise DO attract zombies, and sometimes you wish you didn't made that big one go boom so soon, but, since your molerat field of view is less than 10 mt you didn't had any choices (yeah, no zooming out possible, to see, let's say, 50mt radius) I want to see what's ahead of me, cuz in real life i can look across a small pond and see what's there. So maybe add a more zoomed out view, but remove obj glow when your view is too zommed out? Also, aiming will be more difficult that way. Reg zeds can get "headshotted" but takes time and yes, even skill, epsecially when 4-5-6 are closing in fast. Still to implement weigh system, and loot carry capacity. Actually i have everything in my backpack, weigh more than 200kg and i can run jump climb... ok, still early access. UI can also get a good polish, looks a bit... minimal, even less that the one of the 1st H2S

From what i saw for now, there is a good deal of crafting, building, planning, gathering and everything, without being too... harvesting. I mean, often while doing "missions" you just found several stuff, often enough to get you by for a good while.

I haven't played much cuz, honestly, i want to discover this game on MP, but from where I got, it looks like there is still a lot more ahead to do, find, try out, and such.

Bugs? None yet to report, and no game crashes, my pc is farily old, about 5yo, even if well mainteined, and runs the game fine in 1080, Only crashed first time when i tried to put it fullscreen (btw, inside its folder, there is a autodetect.exe or something like that that allows you to set res and such)

So yes, imho, if you like what you see, it's probably what you'll get in the end, that's the way i feel it. What did i see? I see a bit of old school action\rpg (diablo 2?) a bit of fallout 1-2 (for graphic, isometric view, theme) a bit of left for dead 2 (4 player MP vs zombies) and surprisingly, not much H2S1 as you'd think. This is more... free, you are no longer on a small, improbable, island, or group of islands. I haven't found the main map borders yet (also cuz going around isn't that healty, especially at night), plus every mission has its own map (or maps? i haven't redone any yet to check if they are randomly generated or not...)

If you were unsure... go for it.

Oh, and btw, Kovak is a plus, that guy is something! :)
Publicada el 6 de enero de 2016. Última edición: 6 de enero de 2016.
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15.5 h registradas
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Good concept, but wayyyyy to early to release.

Will play more, when they'l add a lot to the game.


Game is getting frequent and constant improvement, it got a LOT better from its initial release.
Publicada el 26 de diciembre de 2015. Última edición: 5 de junio de 2016.
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40.4 h registradas (27.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Giocato e finito al livello di difficoltà massimo, a livello normale temo sia troppo facilone per dare soddisfazione.
NON ha nulla a che vedere con la serie originale XCOM, non è a turni, e la strategia è, per essere gentili, pochina. Non si gestisce la base, non si costruisce, e la scelta delle missioni è praticamente obbligata, e idem lo svolgersi della trama. Va bene se volete sparacchiare un po' in un setting atipico.

Il gioco in se è ok, grafica discreta, gameplay su binari, combattimenti facilini e ripetitivi, trama discreta con qualche colpo di scena ben fatto. Ottima atmosfera anni 50-60, forse la cosa meglio riuscita nel gioco.
Publicada el 25 de enero de 2015.
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15.7 h registradas
Direi che tutto sommato, non è malaccio. Non sarà una perla, un paio di enigmi non stanno ne in cielo ne in terra, altri sono davvero facili, l'atmosfera noir è così così ma nel complesso direi che è giocabile e alla fine ti viene voglia di giocare al seguito (che ancora non c'è, e chissà se e quando esce)
Publicada el 25 de diciembre de 2014.
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