Vex 2019年12月19日 21時14分 
cool ♥♥♥♥♥♥, hope he dies in next revolution
^2Friendly Target 2019年10月25日 11時45分 
Nykos 2017年7月7日 18時42分 
sorry, I dont speak canadian.
peenlord 2017年7月7日 18時41分 
xd :narumi::miyu::narumi::miyu::narumi::miyu:
Nykos 2017年7月7日 18時35分 
either way obviously to much estrogen. ragequit more plz :steamsalty:
peenlord 2017年7月7日 18時30分 
maybe I am a woman with a vagina LOL
Nykos 2017年7月7日 18時29分 
you are final kill cam twice and you rage quit both times LOL canada only makes weak men with vaginas
peenlord 2017年7月7日 18時23分 
the_jACK_Ripper 2017年4月5日 19時15分 
lets move past our previous ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kinda, i can forgive a century old vac ban. we both share a common love for the same thing, and i will always be passionate about what i love. just sayin. gg.
^Borre Esponjadito 2016年3月23日 16時50分 
^♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ^7CHEATING ^2BASTARD BABY ^4MILK MY ^9PENIS, ^♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ , ^♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ FAILED ^6REPORT ^7aimbot y wallhack
^Borre Esponjadito 2016年3月23日 16時49分 
^♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ^7CHEATING ^2BASTARD BABY ^4MILK MY ^9PENIS, ^♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ , ^♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ FAILED ^6REPORT ^7aimbot y wallhack
SILVERBACK 2015年11月28日 7時55分 
your a ♥♥♥♥♥ noob hacking looser, weak ass pathetic noob
Col.Troutman 2015年11月28日 7時54分 
You can toggle all day with a big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mouth
^4[^4M^7CS^1T^1] ^2Z1000 2015年11月23日 1時16分 
BIG ♥♥♥♥ CHEATER:shcshield:
RageMaker 2015年11月14日 11時03分 
Nykos 2015年11月1日 22時18分 
I can do this all day, eat me
the_jACK_Ripper 2015年11月1日 21時45分 
i dont force host, but heed that warning
Nykos 2015年11月1日 21時38分 
exactly my thought, you force host and I kick you. just a baby haha
the_jACK_Ripper 2015年11月1日 21時37分 
i dont cheat and if you do that again, ill use my one card that i have with xifon and get you personally banned from the tool
the_jACK_Ripper 2015年11月1日 21時34分 
kick me i kick you ♥♥♥♥♥♥... have fun
P@R@ 2015年10月30日 10時19分 
noob tube boufon
RageMaker 2015年10月4日 21時57分 
YOU are a phenomenal woman, a beautiful person,
doing an extraordinary job, making things happen for those you love...
and although you might not always feel it, you are loved and
appreciated. ♥ Copy and paste this on the walls of 7 women (even if it's
already there from someone else) who deserve to be noticed.
^2Friendly Target 2015年10月4日 7時37分 
YOU are a phenomenal woman, a beautiful person,
doing an extraordinary job, making things happen for those you love...
and although you might not always feel it, you are loved and
appreciated. ♥ Copy and paste this on the walls of 7 women (even if it's
already there from someone else) who deserve to be noticed.
^2Friendly Target 2015年8月19日 9時45分 
Flawed Design 2015年3月31日 18時01分 
I said that on H&G and like 5 guys were like "This guy ^ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ legend" hahaha:Tie:
Nykos 2015年3月31日 17時06分 
I like my women like I like my coffee, I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate coffee.
or I like my women like I like my coffee, ground up and in the freezer.
Flawed Design 2015年3月31日 16時56分 
I drive my tanks like I drive my woman. Crazy. :Rubber_Duck:
RageMaker 2015年3月30日 21時31分 
Excuse me, but you just called yourself stupid but then you're saying you're not? You can't have it both ways bud
the_jACK_Ripper 2015年3月30日 21時11分 
i kick you cause your a blatant cheat.. always have been, you hide behind an aimbot, and for some reason every single one of your harriers takes 3 stingers to go down... i might be a fool, but im not a gawd damn fool... i kick friendly cause i ask people not to tube and he just starts tubing
Nykos 2015年3月30日 19時25分 
the ♥♥♥♥ I was talking was that friendly and I were in a game where you were host. you kicked us because we were winning. if thats ♥♥♥♥ talking then yeah, I was talking ♥♥♥♥.
the_jACK_Ripper 2015年3月30日 11時48分 
yea... w/e i just thought i would let you now since you were talkin so much ♥♥♥♥, but yet again have figure out another way to cheat someone... anything to win at something that isnt even tangible eh
Nykos 2015年3月30日 7時33分 
He was doing that to make you mad(and it worked), had nothing to do with us. hell, if you started feeding too he probably would have invited you to the party.
the_jACK_Ripper 2015年3月29日 23時14分 
yep one man on my team left and the only reason you guys won was cause of you ♥♥♥♥ buttsex partner feeding you 13 kills... gj noob
Nykos 2015年3月8日 18時32分 
1600 isnt much, its been out for 5 years so 1600hrs / 260 weeks = 6hrs a week.
hickory nick 2015年3月8日 11時30分 
Says the kid wtth 1.6k hours on cod ROFL
Nykos 2015年3月7日 22時16分 
People say Americans are big but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you are fat
hickory nick 2015年3月7日 22時08分 
1.6k hours on cod. Jesus you must not get on cod much
RageMaker 2015年2月16日 16時38分 
♥♥♥♥ shrekt m8
Macrochimp 2015年1月2日 1時26分 
tigerbeetle still mad
IGGYJAXX 2014年12月22日 18時47分 
one of the best players ive come across
TIGERBEETLE (DTHCMP) 2014年11月16日 14時26分 
Suspected Cheater !!!
GeRdoo<3 2014年10月10日 16時07分 
Fb|| jeanuxi 2014年10月7日 22時03分 
RageMaker 2014年8月29日 19時41分 
Macrochimp 2014年7月17日 13時43分 
Nykos 2014年7月5日 18時51分 
and he missed the ' in you're
the meat man 2014年7月5日 18時44分 
wow you spelled "grammar" wrong. shows how retarded you are.
the meat man 2014年7月5日 18時43分 
aww so mad
RainyHilton 2014年7月5日 18時38分 
your not special kid or youre u too stupid to realize it i dont give a ♥♥♥♥ how grammer is your still trash die of cancer