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Julkaistu: 23.11.2021 klo 7.02

Super fun, and really unique. This DLC captures a lot of what made the original game fun and adds on to it with cool recipes, an awesome setting, some new mechanics, and several quality of life improvements. The main campaign mode is a lot of fun and is the best of the DLC in my mind. It gives you set objectives but also a fair amount of freedom in how to accomplish them.

The hunting mechanic is okay, I could take it or leave it. Adds some to the setting, but I found after the first couple times, I didn't really want to do it anymore and just bought my hunted ingredients manually instead of shooting animals for them.

The planting mechanic is better, but also feels like there isn't a whole lot of reward to it when I can just purchase all of the vegetables manually at any point. It would be nice if they made some of the grown veggies (like the mushrooms) unavailable via shopping to better encourage growing.

Overall, great DLC with a lot of great aspects. I would recommend this one for sure.
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