An ancient Arab legend counts the next history of a page of the sultan of Bagdade.

One day, a young page presented himself to his man and, very nervously, asked for him one of his best horses, of the most fast.

 I saw the death in the garden  said  and she did to me a strange gesture. I want to escape immediately for Bassorá to hide in the market. The death will never be going to give with me at that place...

The sultan gave him his best horse and the young person moved away quickly, to gallop. The sultan later went down to the garden and seeing the Death that was still around there, asked about him because it had threatened that young person.

I did not threaten it. it answered the Death. Simply, very much admired, I lifted the arm and asked about myself: " As it is possible that he still walks this way, if inside four hours I have an appointment with him in the market of Bassorá?
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