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Senaste recensioner av CryptoCrash

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Visar 11–20 av 23 poster
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0.5 timmar totalt
This game is on PC. It should work with a M+K. Q and E are attack, that means you have to let go of movement keys to attack, so much for free flowing combat. U is interact and B is dodge, yep, the QTE fast reaction dodge key is impossible to hit in a hurry. There is a manu in game to remap the keys... But it does not work.

This game 'might' be good with a controller but its not playable with a M+K.

Hey devs's go look at Mad Max, that is a game of this style with M+K controls that WORK well, its not hard.
Upplagd 30 september 2015.
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2.0 timmar totalt
I got this game for free because I bought Spacebase DF-9 (bought it when it first hit steam... and yes im angry and sore about them abandoning the project). I only discovered the coupon for this in September 2015. So do I find this a suitable replacement for a space colony builder game.... no

So onto the game itself. First off no mouse control, in a game that could really use it. Secondaly the game feels really unpolished, the hit box for the sword does not feel right, the interface when you put the hat on is badly colour coded and not exactly clear. Finally why use LUA? This is a game where the player has to recode it themselves, why not use a more intuitive language so non programmers can work it out?

DF you gave me an unfinished game to compensate for an unfinished game. How you have fallen, I am a long term devotee who owns an original copy of Monkey Island that was bought for me when it first came out, it sits on the shelf above my computer with a few other "all time favourites". You will never see another cent of my money.

Upplagd 13 september 2015.
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22 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
3.2 timmar totalt
I bought this because of the description in the game store. Its described as a puzzler where you swap/change abilities in order to solve the puzzles. The issue is there are only about 3 puzzles, and each was solved in under 2 mins. As soon as you get flight and a railgun bolt them on to a monster and go for the ending. The demo sabotage and editor sections afterwards not only feel disjointed but they feel like padding that was tacked on to make the game feel longer. I finished this in 3 hours and have no desire to play it again. If I had finished in under 2 hours I would be applying for a refund as I dont feel like I got $20 value out of this.

The tools this game provides are fantastic, there is potentional here for a great game if the devs actually put some thought into level design. Ironicly this game suffers from 'too grand a view' and devs who feel the need to stamp their unique identity on it... the same things the 'in game dev' is mocked for.
Upplagd 16 juli 2015.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.3 timmar totalt (1.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I paid $0.19 for this game. It was fun but it only took me an hour to finish the entire single player game with 100% of collectables (including the bonus missions). I have finished the game and could still get a refund (I wont, im not a ♥♥♥♥) The game is a cute concept but lacks any real difficulty or depth. All the levels (including the bonus ones) feel like a tutorial. If you like puzzle games this will occupy you for an hour, but there is no challenge, and therefore no satisfaction for solving anything.
Upplagd 10 juli 2015.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.2 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
I bought this because the concept was funny, and the other reviews were good. The problem is.... its just cleaning up... and its about as much fun as cleaning up in the real world.
Upplagd 15 februari 2015.
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5 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
126.4 timmar totalt (116.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
I have been a fan of DF for a long time and bought into this early (alpha 2 i believe). I watched as the patches (slowly) came out and with each patch the game gained content and improved. Despite the slow improvement the game still has a LONG way to go both in bug fixes and additional content.... and this is why I am writing a negative review. They just announced version 1.0, this implies there wont be any more content. Even if EVERY bug in this game is fixed i cant recomend it as the game simply does not have enough contet to be considered a compleate game.

This game is simply proof that DF cant be trusted with our money. Broken age was only 1/2 a game despite gatting WAY more money than they said they needed and now there is this...
Upplagd 21 september 2014.
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12.7 timmar totalt (2.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Did I enjoy this?... yes i did
How much did i pay?... 99c
Did i get value for money?.... at 99c, yes i did
How long does it take to play right through?.... 2 hours
Does it hold much replay value?.... no not much
Could they add more content?.... yes but they should not, the concept gets old fast
When does the gameplay go downhill?.... the moment you enter the pyramid, at that point there game changes from "here is some stuff, find your own solution" too "DO IT OUR WAY OR DIE"
Is the final boss fight fun?... not even slightly, the crazy camera and game ignoring your orders is very annoying
Is the ending cut scene cool?... No... just no.
Is this game worth it at full price?... only if you are willing to pay $10 for a game you will play for 2 hours once
Do I always answer my own questions?... No i do not
Upplagd 18 juni 2014.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
19.8 timmar totalt (5.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I only paid $2 for this so my hopes were not high. However its not bad. I think I would be willing to pay to $15 for this and still be happy with my purchase.

If you run windows 7 you will need to modify files in order to make it run, very annoying. It also crashes a lot so save often.

But if you like sandbox trader/warrior for hire type games this is worth a go. Its not fantastic, but its good.
Upplagd 28 maj 2014.
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42 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.8 timmar totalt
I only paid 50c for this game so i did not expect much, im still disapointed. Its basicly a "find the hidden objects" game with some puzzles that mostly involve "finding hidden objects". The graphics suck, pictures of objects have just been stuck onto a background picture and everything looks out of place, like a jumble of pictures cut from a magazine thrown into a pile. The story also does not work, you are finding objects in order to preserve the musuems collection... yet most of the objects you are locating are cigarete lighters, sunglasses, wallets and ID cards... then in the 'puzzle' rooms you feed old copper coins (that are aparantly attracted to magnets) into a vending machine and use an ancient sword to break a concrete pillar so it topples and smashes its way through a wall.... So much for preserving the collection, also what are you doing with all this stuff??? you dont have a bag visible in any of the cut scenes. You also locate a CB radio and pull the batteries out of it to power a torch... then you immediatly use it to talk to somebody??? So to sum up, bad graphics that make most objects unfindable and a bad plot that cant justify 90% of the things you have to do in order to progress.
Upplagd 29 april 2014.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
8.7 timmar totalt
Its not finished and the dev has abandoned the project, a new one has taken over but i would not spend your money until its in a better state than it is now.
Upplagd 24 mars 2014.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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Visar 11–20 av 23 poster