Bubble Buckets
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3.7 Hours played
"Nothing": A Masterclass in Virtual Absurdity

In a gaming industry flooded with cutting-edge graphics, intricate storylines, and mind-bending gameplay mechanics, there emerges a peculiar title that boldly defies all norms – "Nothing." This avant-garde masterpiece, or perhaps anti-masterpiece, challenges players to explore the vast realm of nothingness, and in doing so, manages to be an experience like no other.

Concept: ★★★★★
"Nothing" introduces a revolutionary concept by embracing the absence of gameplay. It's a bold move that not only defies industry standards but shatters them into a million pixelated fragments. The game designers have fearlessly stripped away the conventional elements of a video game, leaving players with an existential void to navigate.

Graphics: ★☆☆☆☆
One might expect breathtaking visuals from a game named "Nothing." However, the lack of graphics is a deliberate artistic choice. The absence of colors, textures, and any discernible objects creates a stark and minimalist aesthetic. Some might argue that it's a missed opportunity, but true connoisseurs of nothingness will appreciate the bold design decision.

Gameplay: ★★★★★
Wait, there's no gameplay, you say? Exactly! The genius of "Nothing" lies in its commitment to nothingness. There are no objectives, quests, or challenges to overcome. Players are left to their own devices, grappling with the profound meaninglessness of their digital existence. It's a meditative experience that encourages introspection – a gaming void that beckons players to question the very essence of play.

Soundtrack: ★★★★☆
The ambient soundtrack of "Nothing" is a work of auditory genius. Composed of eerie silences and occasional digital echoes, it perfectly complements the overall theme of emptiness. The soundtrack may not be catchy, but it succeeds in creating an immersive atmosphere that resonates with the essence of nothingness.

Replay Value: ★★☆☆☆
"Nothing" might struggle in the replay department, given its lack of content. Once players have traversed the vast expanse of nothingness, there's not much incentive to return. However, for those seeking a deep dive into existential contemplation, a second playthrough might yield new perspectives on the void.

Verdict: ★★★★☆
"Nothing" is a groundbreaking experiment in interactive nihilism. It challenges the very definition of what a video game should be, forcing players to confront the void head-on. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, for those seeking an unconventional experience, "Nothing" is a journey into the heart of emptiness that will leave you questioning the meaning of gaming itself. It's a spoof, a satire, a digital mirage – and perhaps, in its own peculiar way, a stroke of genius.
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The Toyota Cressida is the car for those who enjoy the more subtle symbols of success.
There are no fancy ornaments of self-congratulation, and it is arguably the quietest in its class.

The styling exhibits an elegance that is a sophisticated understatement. And careful attention to detail assures luxury. Cressida also sets its priorities under the bonnet, not on it.

The SUPER RESPONSIVE 2.8 litre, OHC 6 cylinder, electronic fuel injected engine is perfectly matched with the 4 speed overdrive automatic transmission (the only one in its class) to ensure smooth, effortless delivery of power at virtually any speed.

At 100kph, the engine revs at a mere 2260 rpm, when overdrive is engaged.
Combined with Cressida's unique engine-speed sensitive power steering, and Toyota Suspension Tuning, you'll cruise smoothly to the top.

So many opulent features are standard, there are few options. Ditto the wagon, which has all the luxury features of the sedan, with the benefit of extra space.

In business you also need dependability, and that is something that distinguishes Toyota.

The new Toyota Cressida is a quiet achievement in affordable luxury.

Toyota. Oh what a feeling!

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I'll have 2 number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, 2 number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Don't👏 pretend👏 to 👏be 👏entitled👏 to👏 financial👏 compensation👏 if 👏you 👏or👏 a👏 loved 👏one 👏hasn't👏 even 👏been 👏diagnosed👏 with 👏mesothelioma
gf is prego

we like to get kinky anyways

one night things get particularly saucy

i'm sticking my noodle in her when I notice weird ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chunks coming out, so I turn on the lights

wtf it's red everywhere and she's obviously not on her period

i look up at her, she's got a glassy, jarred look on her face and she's not answering


i rush her into my car and speed all the way to the hospital

she's still bleeding everywhere

by the time we get there, she's not bleeding much anymore, but all the color has drained and she looks colorless and almost transparent

oh ♥♥♥♥, she looks like she's in a vegetative state

storm into to the emergency room, cary her to the nearest doctor and explain eveything

he takes one look at ther and says

"sir, i'm sorry, there's nothing we can do"

"WHY THE ♥♥♥♥ NOT???"

"we don't operate on empty jars of spaghetti sauce"
In a fight? Here is what you do, my friend.

Bring your chin down to protect your neck while continuing to stare in his eyes. Bring up your hands and say "I don't want no trouble ya hear". Flex your traps and core. Slightly bend your knees.

Here comes the important part. In a low voice begin to say "wolowolowolowolowolo" slowly increasing in volume. He should be surprised by now. Begin to sway side to side and loosen all facial muscles and your anal sphincter and your kegal muscle. By now you should be pretty loud and your opponent will have stepped back and appear visibly shaken.

Begin to piss and ♥♥♥♥ yourself and let your eyes roll to the back of your head. By now, you're chanting "WOLOWOLOWOLOWOLO" at the top of your lungs.

He will run away. Everyone within a one mile radius will feel a terrifying presence within their soul.

Marvel as you ascend into your planar form.