Likes: co-op games, more co-op games, RPGs, Strategies, playing 'rambo', building things, wasting time in games that are never going to be finished, Star Trek, Star Wars, long walks on the beach, co-op games.

Dislikes: games without co-op, sneaking games, people who are stupid, people who aren't stupid but act stupid, fanboys, modern FPS shooters, DLC culture, poor manners, short walks on the beach, people who don't like co-op games.

Currently Offline
GoNikkiGo 3 Oct, 2022 @ 11:48am 
miss you :(!
RachelRosie88 30 Jun, 2019 @ 3:00pm 
miss talking to you
Worker42 9 Jun, 2012 @ 3:29pm 
Cheers 1ON15, glad to be onboard (I can give evidential documentation supporting the assertions of stellar team-mateship described :)