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SWAYZE 27 nov. 2015 à 12h42 
have to say that coment below is so true :DDDDDD
Dave 7 oct. 2015 à 13h13 << neo when he gets a melee skeet
Neo 24 juil. 2015 à 10h45 
My favorite one:

Benny : Neo: i killed my sister practicing melee skeets in the kitchen today. lol
Neo 24 juil. 2015 à 10h44 
Benny : neo go to your kitchen and smack yourself with a frying pan. take your mouse and m2 while you do it to pretend its l4d2.
Benny: Neo: i always wash my feet with hamster urine before melee skeeting
Benny : Neo: when i cant fit something in my mouth i chuck it in the air and melee skeet it.

æ' 12 juil. 2015 à 3h44 
Lovely Lipstick Color :lovez:
Dave 11 juil. 2015 à 15h34 
beautiful crust