Twelve Games
Giuseppe Crugliano   Malta
Twelve Games is a Console, Computer and Mobile Games Development studio founded in 2003 by an Industry Veteran, Giuseppe Crugliano, in few years became one of the leading Company in the video game scene. During this years of exciting activities the company produced a series of titles across a wide range of SKU’s such Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Playstation 2, Playstation Portable (PSP), PC, Mobile Devices and for the most important online portals, serving big Fortune 100′s Companies and brands such Orbit and Vodafone. CID The Dummy and Martial Arts: Capoeira represents the latest titles developed by Twelve and distributed World Wide trough Retail partners such Just A Game GmbH, O-Games, Playten, CDProjekt, Logrus as well as Digital Download Portals like Steam, RealNetworks, Gamestreamer, Stardock just to mention a few. The studio recently specialized into Motion Sensing game development, partnering with companies such PrimeSense, Softkinetic that provides Motion Sensing Solutions and Devices for the Computer Market and vendors like Asus, Acer and all the leading HW Manufacturers around the globe. Twelve’s current and past team members has worked for numerous success companies like EA, Monumental, Sony London Studios, Codemasters, Thq bringing new know how to the development processes, tool creation and adoption of new technologies. Twelve is also experienced in using game engines such Cryengine 3, Unreal Engine 3, Unity, Vicious Engine, Virtools as well as iOS and Android tools like Gideros, iStencyl for fast and reduced budget development projects. The team is also capable of handling outsourcing tasks of 3D Modeling, Animation, Sound Design as well as Concept Creation and Game Design. The Studio has recently secured a number of important AAA Licenses such Tarzan and Robby Naish as well as some yet to be announced ones.

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