HaviK + o.O
havik = Jake, DeMoN = Ben ;P   Greater Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
BeN/DeMoN = Serious player, bit of a joker but sumtimes i aint so deal with it ;) im from manchester im not a chav ;P im in yr10 im 14 almost 15 in a year xD jokes ne ways ;).
Loyal Friends ;)
Charlie, Ragey/Timmeh/Bowl "haviks word"
Jessica/Heartbroken = Fun, Cool, Good gamer RADICAL as americans would say but i say sick or mint or ill jokes ;) <3 her xD ;P

I <3 Bassline i aint a chav so stfu or go away ;)

Havik = Jake (a dude)
About me: hate dodgeball cba moving for the ball
errm,, friends :)
charlie (but quit! :(!)
Ragey cause he fun calling him bowl and rages at me :) <3
Jessica but u didnt say anyting bout me Grrr :P
i likey dance and RAVE! woop scooter - jump that rock awesome.. :)
hate moshers,chavs,emo's (some i like), hard rockers, gangsters,noobs,nooblets,noobier people
what i do: play css, go out sumtimes and buy ♥♥♥♥ and just eat :) soooo thats it im called jake from manchester im 16 :) and i like food (mainly meat like chops n stuffys)
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