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kyblic3k 15 czerwca o 13:53 
cheating in games is proof of very tiny penis
The~Urviech 12 czerwca o 8:01 
congratulations, you have figured out which gun to take and where to sit to avoid getting killed by normal guns. now take a risk and play shotgun next game and shift-w
Miroku 17 maja o 4:22 
Боже чел иди дальше по кустам ползай, помойка)
Kek4onok 17 maja o 4:22 
крыс вонючи:steamfacepalm:
NoProbLlama 8 kwietnia o 9:27 
Imagine beeing so bad at a game that you have to ping abusing AND CAMPING xD on EU servers to get kills. What a loooser! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
мастер хука 24 lutego o 9:32 
delete game