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Останні рецензії користувача Leak Minister 2000

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462.2 год. загалом (431.6 год на момент рецензування)
Додано 7 жовтня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
42.6 год. загалом (12.9 год на момент рецензування)
Nah. A turd wrapped in pretty paper, is still a turd.

The game is beautifull enough, and the cinematic gameplay feels awesome. They have good attention to detail in models, textures and maps. It feels VERY warhammer.
The campaign is good, and contains some good boss fights.

But that is about it. The combat is 90% of the game, and it gets SUPER BORING fast. The weapon options is limited and close to no diffrence.
The character skill tree and weapon skill tree is small and is mostly stat increases. boring.
The beautifull world is also very limited by extreme liniearity and invisible walls. Shame.

I'd never pay 60 euro for this trash. Not even 20 euro!

It needs more weapons, better skill tree's and somekind of addition to the melee combat in order to make it less repetetive.... DO NOT GET THIS ♥♥♥♥!
Додано 14 вересня.
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2.0 год. загалом
They did manage to create a lot of building freedom. They have a bunch of skill tree's, skills and skill supports. So they are already more complex than Diablo 4, wich is good.
But each skill tree (so far (2 hours only)) seems flat, boring and only modifies values. (stuff i prefer as modifiers on gear). They went the POE way, but worse.
The bread and butter for me was the skills and their supports. Seems fun enough. And their boss fights so far is also pretty good.
The negative is multiple. Firstly i dont like their environment/maps since theyr'e simple, boring and linear.
Secondly the regular enemies is boring, and runs straight to you with no strategy, wich makes the combat stale, repetetive and pretty boring.
Thirdly it's the theme and voice acting. The writtend dialogue is obviously not their focus. The voice acting is so anime it hurts. They bait younger boys by sexualising EVERY character. (Sex sells, and is the easy choice to bait people, because it works).
Oh and the fourth and most annoying is the extremely ♥♥♥♥ menu system.

All in all, just a boring version of diablo clones.
Додано 13 серпня.
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4.3 год. загалом
Just nope!!! It feels so clunky, uninteractive, bad combat, not D&D but pathfinder rules.. I mean, ANY larian title is so much better!!!!!! That being said, Owlcat games did make a decent game with Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader. But this ♥♥♥♥ is horrible!...
Додано 23 липня. Востаннє відредаговано 23 липня.
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
48.0 год. загалом (46.5 год на момент рецензування)
The Positives:
The Co-op works very well.
The Action in both traversing the city, and slating zombies is awesome :P 10/10 dropkick braindeads off buildings.
The parkour in combat works FUN! You fly all over the place jumping over zombie after zombie to kick their remaining teeth out.
The combat with weapons and dismemberment feels awesome. Swing your katana or axe sideways and split bodyparts in multiple parts.
The way you traverse the city via glider, hook, wall running, parkour moves and emvironment is AWESOME!
Even the amount of items and crafting options is surprisingly huge! Plenty of throwables, and weapon mods.

The negatives:
The Story is ♥♥♥♥. The dialogue is so badly written. It feels like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Tommy Wiseau & Zack Snyder came up with this atrocity.
Close to NONE of the characters is likeable! nor do they have good dialogue.
The Boss fights is ♥♥♥♥, and even more ♥♥♥♥ in co op.

Buy this for some good time with friends, and use it as a playground for fun.
DONT buy it for story or dialogue!
Додано 28 березня.
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255.3 год. загалом (103.5 год на момент рецензування)
Listen up civilian! It's time to do your part as an elite force, protecting our way of life and values, for glorious democracy!

While it may not look like much on the surface, Helldivers has a hell of a lot going on once players dig in, and being a disposable interstellar trooper raiding death planets has never been more perfectly captured than it is here.

It's small studios like this, with a god like game like Helldivers 2, that should leave AAA studios shaking in fear.

If you haven't bought it already, you must hate peace and democracy!

EDIT# ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Sony.... why you have to ruin a great title with your playstation account ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.... Nobody likes playstation network, and nobody trusts you "security", since you've been ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hacked more than anyone before..... Take a shot of sake, and come to your senses!

2nd EDIT# It seems sony actually did come to it's senses :D nice, the game is god tier again!!!
Додано 29 лютого. Востаннє відредаговано 6 травня.
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94.7 год. загалом (26.8 год на момент рецензування)
This feels like the closest DND non-pen&paper i've ever tried :D It's amazing. A bit clunky animations and dialogue, but great mechanics, story and world building.
Recommended indeed :D
Додано 1 липня 2023 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
1,270.8 год. загалом (1,097.0 год на момент рецензування)
The game itself is fine. The gunplay and abilities feels fun to use. It's addictive. The diffrent game modes is good, so there's plenty to do.

The campaigns is fun to play, but the story is close to garbage. The npc characters are boring, shallow and brings nothing to the table. (The removed content with nathan filion was another story though, back then the humor was a good part of the game). The attempts to be funny now is so bad, that you feel like just skipping every single dialoge.

You have the Nightfalls, weekly missions, raids and dungeons wich is all superb imo.
The nightfalls is the proper way to play the strike missions :D difficult, fun with friends, and brings some teamwork req.
The Exotic missions is also fun, and worth to play once a week for the pinnacle. It's like they brought more complex mechanics for these :D
Raids is fun. They are the best part of the game as long as you can group 5 other friends :D They bring some good puzzles, and gun elements. They do tend to become easier and easier, but that doesnt matter, as long as they're fun.
Dungeons is also a unique challenge thats fun to play. Good puzzling, and good boss fights.

The strike playlist at the difficulty level limit is just a waste of space. And the pinnacle gear piece for 3 strikes is annoying.
The Gambit gamemode is bad. Could be fun, but the servers make it lame.
The Crucible pvp gamemodes is just not good. I get alot like it, but i dont. If you want to play some good pvp shooters, go play another game that focuses on pvp shooting.

All in all the game should be recommended, but since they are so extremely greedy with content, i wont recommend it. The F2P is good, but becomes boring fast. So you wanna play to get fun content. But you get so little for large ammounts of money. Thats just garbage. And i dont like they timegate content you pay for.
For that ammount of money, you can buy multiple whole new games, and thats worth more in the long rong.
Додано 30 травня 2022 р..
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83.0 год. загалом (75.2 год на момент рецензування)
It's a fun game to play once in a while. It's simple, and filled with fun items and secrets.
I will however say that the expansion brought some overpowered items that makes even monsoon a cakewalk.
Додано 9 березня 2022 р..
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46.6 год. загалом (21.7 год на момент рецензування)
It it exremely boring to level all the way up to 50. At it's extra frustrating that the end game you stayed here for, is unable to matchmake because server overloads. This takes the entire reason to play this garbage out of the equation.
The part were you sail arround the world map is also pretty bad. And alot of content wants you to sail back and forth bouncing between islands. And that is utter crap. So boring..
The core "dungeon crawl" gameplay feels good, but it's put in the most boring quest system, and uninteresting story. A hard pass for me!
+ Warhammer 3 is out now, so ♥♥♥♥ this Lost Crap)

This game is a pain. I dont understand the hype at all?
Everything about it is feeling like a chore. Insanely repetetive, and extremely simple mehcanics. Press G, spam skills, dodge a red zones. Voila, thats it, thats all.
It feels like it lives on the visual feedback from your abilities (not unlike standard mobile games design).
People kept saying it'll be better in the End Game. But why the F should i waste so much time to reach an end game thats probably just as lame.
The story is so uninteresting i could cry, and the characters feels more shallow and empty than the people who likes this crap. (yes thats judgemental, but true).
As an mmo, i find it decent. Combat feels responsive and fluid. The menu system is pretty easy to navigate, and the co operation isnt too much nor less.
As a Dungeon Crawler it feels ♥♥♥♥. D2, POE, Grim Dawn and so on is waaaaay better in every aspect. (unless you enjoy simple mechanics with not much to choose from).
The antagonist is just as interesting as the BL3 calypso twins (wich is ZERO)
The Good guys on your team is the same. Boring, cliche, twink-looking sad excuses.
All in all it felt like i wasted all 21,7 hours i spend in this garbage.

I will however eventually revisit this to reach the end game (but warhammer 3 is on the stairs, so maybe not)
And if the end game proves to be a the swan song (kinda like Destiny 2 (boring way to the end, but funny enough at the end)) i will revisit this review.

So far all i'm saying is steer clear of this crap (unless you like simple mechanics and japanese cartoons)
Додано 13 лютого 2022 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 18 лютого 2022 р..
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