Games are indeed art. But only the ones I like.
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매우 희귀한 도전 과제 전시대
스크린샷 전시대
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
제품 평가 전시대
One of the best RPGs in resent years. I had very little expectations after Shadowrun Returns, and was simply blown away by Dragonfall. Allow me to share some of my thoughts on the matter.

1. Story and characters.
Probably the most important part of any RPG in my opinion. And I am happy to say, that Dragonfall' s characters stayed with me long after I finished the game. And then came back a year after. And then came back again next year.

I understand, that the richness and the impact of the story are highly subjective variables based on the cultural level of the player. So, basically, what I find deep and engaging you might find boring and formulaic, because you might have seen it before a thousand times. So let me just tell you, that Dragonfall's story managed to surprise me not on one, but on two occasions. I can't recall the last time that happened in video game. Seriously, probably not since Planescape Torment....

What you must understand, that it is not my first dance. I am well accuanted with cyberpunk genre both in literature and in games, and usually begin new journey with “been there, done that” attitude. So, you can imagine my surprise, when the story managed to not only engage me, but also surprise me.

2. Atmosphere.
Another Dragonfall's strong suit. I haven't felt this tense being hunted by nebulous foe since KOTOR 2, which is hight praise for me, since KOTOR 2 is my favorite game. Take it as you will. The atmosphere in Dragonfall does something magical: it sucks you in, it encourages you to read into context, to learn who the major players in this world are and what is your place in the grand scheme of things.

Let me put it this way: when you find yourself reading 3d and 4th editions of Shadowrun rolebook and the “Sixth World Almanac”, while analyzing discussions about the nature of elf immortality, after replaying Dragonfall, then you know the game does something right.

3. Gameplay and UI
There are things that Dragonfall does right. And then there are Gameplay and UI. First of all the UI. I don't know who had the brilliant idea of putting all the text in a small window on the right side of the screen in a game MOSTLY CONSISTED OF TEXT. All I can say is get accustomed to eye strain. The text itself is very well written, but sometimes feels redundant.

The combat is basically the same that it was in Shadowrun Returns, which is to say: not very good. It's slow, it's boring, it's not very tactical, and it's repetitive as hell. And since roughly 60% of the game consists of combat, I can practically guarantee that you ll be grinding you teeth by the end of the story.

The structure of the gameplay is basic enough: hub-mission-hub, but it works well, and allows for a lot of quite time, which is essential for creating complex and interesting story. The game has a very “cheap” feeling overall: assets are used, then reused, and then used again for good measure, which is not a problem per se, but considering the astronomical sum that Shadowrun Returns was able to acquire on Kickstarter, I can't help but wonder, where did it all go.

In conclusion: take it, not as a review, but as a love letter to a game, which came out of nowhere, took my hearth by storm, and permanently occupied part of my brain for itself. Both Dragonfall and Hong Kong are worth your time, if you re not afraid of reading, but hey, if you made it here, all the way until the end (for some mysterious reason) then I know, that you re the right metahuman for the job. Until then, I ll see you all in shadows. Oh, and never, EVER cut a deal with a dragon.
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